分析句子请问 going to 在此句做什么成分 going to 的用法music is one of most popular forms of entertainment ,and going to concerts has become a part of their lives .请问 going to 在此句做什么成分?going to 前边是不是省

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:20:46

分析句子请问 going to 在此句做什么成分 going to 的用法music is one of most popular forms of entertainment ,and going to concerts has become a part of their lives .请问 going to 在此句做什么成分?going to 前边是不是省
分析句子请问 going to 在此句做什么成分 going to 的用法
music is one of most popular forms of entertainment ,and going to concerts has become a part of their lives .请问 going to 在此句做什么成分?going to 前边是不是省略了 music is?

分析句子请问 going to 在此句做什么成分 going to 的用法music is one of most popular forms of entertainment ,and going to concerts has become a part of their lives .请问 going to 在此句做什么成分?going to 前边是不是省
going to concerts 在这里作主语,是going to concerts has become a part of their lives这句话的主语,前面没有省略任何东西,这个动名词和不定式一样,都可以作主语
Dancing bored him.跳舞使他厌烦.
Her hobby is collecting stamps.她的爱好是集邮.
Please stop talking.请不要说话了.
He was arrested for smuggling.他因走私而被捕.
Who won the singing contest?歌咏比赛谁赢了?
No smoking.禁止吸烟.No loitering.不许在此逗留.
No spitting.禁止吐痰.No parking.禁止泊车.
主动形式 被动形式
一般式 doing being done
完成式 having done having been done
a.He was fond of playing tennis .他喜欢打网球.
b.She is thinking of going home this summer.她想今年夏天回家.
He disliked her working late.他不喜欢她工作到很晚.
I don’t remember my mother’s talking about it.(较文气的说法)
I don’t remember my mother talking about it.(较口语化的说法)
a.Dickens often gave rendings of his works.狄更斯常常朗读自己的作品.
b.Who did the cooking?谁做的饭?
c.I always enjoy a little light reading.我一向喜欢读点轻松的东西.
这些可称为名词化动名词(Verbal Nouns).有些以-ing结尾的词已完全
He could not analyze his feeling.他没法分析自己的感情.
Take good care of your belongs.注意保管好你的东西.

going to concerts是并列句的另一个主语

The music作主语,and是连接词,连接两个对等结构的句子,going to concerts是动名词结构作后面句子的主语...严格的说,这句话不很规范.
Listening to musics is one of ..., and going to concerts....

没有省略,这边的going to concerts 是动名词,就是去看演唱会这件事,动名词形式做主语
如果主语是music is的话,后面肯定就不能有has become了,两个谓语动词是不能简单相加的,除非是从句,或者有什么连接词。has become的主语就是去看演唱会going to conc...


没有省略,这边的going to concerts 是动名词,就是去看演唱会这件事,动名词形式做主语
如果主语是music is的话,后面肯定就不能有has become了,两个谓语动词是不能简单相加的,除非是从句,或者有什么连接词。has become的主语就是去看演唱会going to concerts、


分析句子请问 going to 在此句做什么成分 going to 的用法music is one of most popular forms of entertainment ,and going to concerts has become a part of their lives .请问 going to 在此句做什么成分?going to 前边是不是省 分析句子请问 going to 在此句做什么成分 什么意思还有 going to 的用法music is one of most popular forms of entertainment ,and going to concerts has become a part of their lives .请问 going to 在此句做什么成分 什么意 i guess it's going to rain 请问这GOING 在这句子里是什么句型 英语翻译请分析一下句子的成分:I'm going to a dinner party held by Americans.特别是held by Americans.在句中的成分 There's going to be more committee work.I mean,more policy work.请问这句该怎么翻译,还有committee和policy在此该怎么解释, 请问 what 和 matters 在此句做什么成分?what matters is how to put theory in practice He is putting it in front of the window.(将此句变成be going to 句子) 这是个什么句?句子结构分析:The tour guide is telling them where they are going to visit. 请问下,it was strange 是为了句子结构的平衡才提前的吗? 那这句的结构能帮忙分析下吗?It was strange going to war with each other after so many yearsof friendship To the best of my knowledge,the idea that fish is the best food for brain is not foolish.此句要改为It is not foolish..开头的句子怎么改,并做句子分析, 是后置定语,还是宾语补足语?This means going back to the place where we left the family sleeping in a tree the night before.请问此句sleeping in……是做宾补,还是做后置定语? 简单句子分析 谢谢If they are encouraged to use the Internet ,they will meet more people through online chat services without ever leaving the house ,making them feel less lonely.请问making them feel less lonely在此句子中做什么成 帮忙看一下这两个不定式在句中做什么成分.1.Are you going to see him off tomorrow?此句中to see him off 做什么成分?2.He is too eager to do that ting.此句中to do that ting做什么成分? what a funny time to eat breakfast,请帮忙在语法上分析此句 Determined to give up smokng,he throw away his remaining cigarettes请问此句的determined 在句子中作什么成分,这句话怎么翻译. She often came to help us in those days.此句不定式是宾补吗?还是宾语,请分析下句子结构 spare在此句子中的意思原句:The storm appeared to spare satellite and power systems as it shook the Earth’s magnetic field Thursday.问:请问此句子中特别是spare是啥意思啊? 有点难度的英语语法请教,First thing I'm going to do is lock them up.请看以下这句英语口语:First thing I'm going to do is lock them up.[翻译:我要做的第一件事是把他们锁起来.]以下我分析了该句子的语法