"AIDS"in Chinese means( ).A.癌症B.麻风病C.肺结核D.艾滋病

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 21:27:40

"AIDS"in Chinese means( ).A.癌症B.麻风病C.肺结核D.艾滋病
"AIDS"in Chinese means( ).

"AIDS"in Chinese means( ).A.癌症B.麻风病C.肺结核D.艾滋病

asnwer is D



AIDSin Chinese means( ).A.癌症B.麻风病C.肺结核D.艾滋病 what is fresh reason in Chinese?The sentence is There are fresh reasons for optimism in the battle against AIDS. what do the words strange and colourful mea in chinese的意思以及答句what do the words strange and colourful mea in chinese的意思最好是英文的答句! The Chinese goverment,____(involve的哪种时态形式?)in specific efforts to prevent and control AIDS,has creased Hive testing and ... 英语翻译The Chinese goverment,____(involve的哪种时态形式?)in specific efforts to prevent control AIDS,has creased Hive testing and monitoringamong the general public. The Chinese goverment,____(involve的哪种时态形式?)in specific efforts to prevent and control AIDS,has creased Hive testing and ... 1.Chinese President visited AIDS patient in Beijing's Ditan Hospital on the Word AIDS Day ,_____was on Dec 1,2008,and _____theme was Stop AIDS.Keep the Promise.A.which ,whose B.which ,of which C.when,whose D.on which ,its2.The factory_____by the yo AIDS in ChinaThe first AIDS patient was found in 1985 in China.In the next twelve years it can be divided into three stages:First stage (1985-1988):The import stage.The main patients are foreigners or oversea Chinese.They are distributed in the coast 英语翻译Directions:Translate the following three paragraphs into Chinese.1.Save Our AIDS Patients,known as SOAP,is one of the organizations I know that is devoted to combating the growing number of AIDS cases.It was formed in 1990 by a dozen wome What is the theme of World Aids Day in 2005 what is the theme of world aids day in 2006 What is the theme of World Aids Day in 2006 in Chinese什么意思 learn chinese in shanghai What(.)this in Chinese 英语翻译in Chinese what is in chinese 【】means evening in chinese