Eversleeping Xandria Ravenheart歌词及翻译

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Eversleeping Xandria Ravenheart歌词及翻译
Eversleeping Xandria Ravenheart歌词及翻译

Eversleeping Xandria Ravenheart歌词及翻译
once i travelled 7 seas to find my love 我曾经旅行了7大洋寻找我的爱情
and once i sang 700 songs 我曾经唱过700首歌
well,maybe i still have to walk 7000 miles 好啊,也许我还要再走7000里
until i find the one that i belong 直到我找到我的归属
i will rest my head side by side我会和我的他在夜里肩并肩
to the one that stays in the night 把我的头靠在他的肩膀小憩
i will lose my breath in my last words of sorrow 在最后的悲痛中我会泣不成声 i
and whatever comes will coom soon 无论将面对什么
dying i will pray to the moon 即使死去我也会向月亮祈祷
that there once will be a better tomorrow 明天会是更好的一天
once i crossed 7 rivers to find my love 我曾经跨越7条河去寻找我的爱情
and once,for 7 years,i forgot my name 7年中,我忘记了自己的名字
well,if i have to i will die 7 deaths just to lie in the arms of my eversleeping aim 好啊,如果必须的话,我会在我永远的臂弯中死7次
i dreamt last night that he came to me 我昨夜梦见他来了
he said:"my love,why do you cry?"他说:"亲爱的,你为什么哭?"
for now it won't be long any more until in my cold grave we will lie.现在,不会从现在起将不会孤单 直到死亡
Once I travelled 7 seas to find my love
And once I sang 700 songs
Well,maybe I still have to walk 7000 miles
Until I find the one that I belong
Once I crossed 7 rivers to find my love
And once,for 7 years,I forgot my name
Well,if I have to I will die 7 deaths just to lie
In the arms of my eversleeping aim
I will rest my head side by side
To the one that stays in the night
I will lose my breath in my last words of sorrow
And whatever comes will come soon
Dying I will pray to the moon
That there once will be a better tomorrow
I dreamt last night that he came to me
He said:"My love,why do you cry?"
For now it won't be long any more
Until in my cold grave we will ly
我曾远渡重洋 找寻吾爱
哎 也许我得再踏上无数的征程
我曾跋山涉水 寻觅吾爱
哎 如果我必须得死我会以无数次死亡来换取一个谎言
世间尘世 纷至沓来
死亡来临 我会对着月亮祈祷

Eversleeping Xandria Ravenheart歌词及翻译 推荐几首类似Xandria的Eversleeping唯美的英文歌曲. 这首英文歌xandria eversleeping有中文版吗? 求一Xandria或者《eversleeping》的英文介绍 歌名:Eversleeping 歌手:Xandria 请问这首歌是美式还英式的听英语歌曲怎么区别美式英式 自学英语 学美式好 还是英式 Eversleeping什么意思? eversleeping的中文意思是什么呢 求一首歌的歌词--Eversleeping和中文翻译 关于eversleeping.太好奇了.仙朵拉我记得是个哥特摇滚乐队.可是eversleeping似乎不是哥特摇滚啊?那它是属于哪个类别的? 求唯美歌特音乐. 类似 之类之类的坚决抵制重金属的.!Nightwish甚么重金属的不要 .Within temptation的不要 .Xandria的上述已提到 pass .Thanks .还有还有 要女的唱的 .好的加分 极度悲伤英文歌喜欢哥特、喜欢黑暗、喜欢极度悲伤的英文歌、悲伤的类型:Eversleeping 、Sleeping Sun、Gone With The Sin、no-one is there.这几首我认为很适合我、大家有这类型的写上来额、 英语翻译真的很喜欢eversleeping这首歌.每次听都会因为它的旋律为之动容,但是对它的歌词不是很理解...有没有人知道它的中文翻译. 【请教】Eversleeping中反复出现的7这个数字有什么寓意?嗯……发现有些人在翻译的时候把7加进去了,有些人则没有0 0【好吧我承认我无聊了】 翻译下 Xandria的pureXandriaPurePure - like the wings of a doveSo pure - is the one that I loveHe’s holding my heart in his handsHe’s God to meBlue - like the sky that’s aboveSo blue - am I caused by my loveI’m losing myself just by seeing eversleeping歌词的中文意思我想知道这首英文歌``歌词的中文意思..歌词:Once I travelled 7 seas to find my loveAnd once I sang 700 songsWell,maybe I still have to walk 7000 milesUntil I find the one that I belongI will rest my h 好听的歌曲(英文/中文/新世纪音乐/电影插曲)跪求啦我是一个乐迷,音乐无国界,只是最近都找不到好听的音乐,先说说我自己喜欢的音乐吧,最好是那种一见钟情的英文:a perfect indian /eversleeping/su