
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 07:40:37


There are something you have to pay attention for it to travel in the forest:
1.No firing in the night
2.Don't throw the empty bottle on the grass.It is just like a convex lens,it will make the grass combustion
3.Don't forget to put out the bonfire when you sleep

On a piece of green, the heart of the fire
From ancient to modern times, the earth mother nurtured countless generations of descendants with the sweet milk. She was the original Xiaobeidecorated l...


On a piece of green, the heart of the fire
From ancient to modern times, the earth mother nurtured countless generations of descendants with the sweet milk. She was the original Xiaobeidecorated lovingly pathetic. But, now human beings for their own interests,she was tortured a murky sky over a dark earth. There is only one earth; but the earth is facing the serious environmental crisis. "Save the earth" has become the world's most powerful cry!.
Forest as the main body of the earth renewable natural resources and landecological system, in the survival and development of mankind history plays an irreplaceable role in. Forests are the lungs of the earth ", it can absorb a large number of carbon dioxide, making human and other organisms need oxygen. The forest is the oxygen manufacture factory, dust filter, is a natural reservoir, is a natural air conditioning...... The forest gives us theinexhaustible benefits! The forest is the basis of national economy lasts, fast,healthy development, it has irreplaceable status and role in the national economic construction.
Forest and is closely related to people's production and life, but it is faced with the threat of forest fire! Fire can make valuable natural resources come to nothing! Fire can cause people to lose the precious life! How much of human civilization in the fire? How many precious wealth in the fire? Forest fires are called, refers to losing control people, spread freely in the forestpool and extended, bring certain harm and loss of forest, forest ecosystemand human forest disaster. Forest fire is a kind of fire is strong, destructive,disposal of rescue very difficult natural disasters.
The formation of a forest often take decades or even centuries, as from frugal extravagant easy, by the extravagance frugal difficult, easy to destroytrees trees, each winter and spring comes, is fire season, everywhere in varying degrees, fire, such as the Cangshan fire, has caused enormous loss.Therefore, doing the work of forest fire protection imminent, we be not easily won the economic results, we must do the work of forest fire prevention.
Forest fire fighting as high school students, we should know that part of theforest fire, forest species, the cause of the fire and forest fire fighting and other aspects of knowledge. Below I introduce to everyone:
A forest fire hazard,
Forest fire is the most dangerous enemy of forest, forest the most terribledisaster, it will bring the most harmful to the forest, with devastating consequences. Forest fires not only burned forest patches, injury in animal,but also reduce the forest regeneration ability, cause the poverty of the soiland water conservation function of forest destruction, even lead to ecological balance. Although the world's scientific development, ahead of the rapidly buthuman service, forest fires in the business, but still has not been made a great progress.
Types and classification of two, forest fire
According to the combustion area, forest fire spread speed, the victimlocation and degree of the forest fire, can be roughly divided into three categories: 1 Surface Fire 2 crown fire 3 underground fire
The cause of the fire three, forest fire
Causes of forest fires mainly include two categories: human and natural fire
(a) artificial fire include the following:
1 production of fire: agriculture, forest, animal husbandry production use of fire, fire wood and sideline production, industrial and mining transportation fireetc.;
2 non productive fire: such as outdoor smoking, cooking, burning, heating and so on;
3 arson
In the artificial source caused by fire, forest fire in the reclamation activity,smoking caused the most. Forest fires in China, due to smoking, burningand clean burning fires accounted for the absolute amount.
(two) the natural fire: including lightning fire, combustion. Forest fire caused by natural fire accounted for about 1% of China's forest fire.
Four, forest fire fighting
(a) the fire should be how to strengthen the safety measures
Strengthen fire organization. One is to send a fire experience comrades asfront-line commanders. Two is a temporary organization firefighting personnel,you must specify the section and the group responsible person. Three is a clear fire discipline and security matters. Four is to check whether the goodsin line with the requirements of fire, fire service is very loose, flame retardant.Five is to strengthen the fire reconnaissance, fire communication, organizerescue and logistic support. Six from the rear entrance fire, burning two wingbeat along the line. Seven is not directly upwind striking head, do not hit thehead, not in the cliffs, steep and broken terrain at the fire, do not fire in windy conditions, the conditions, do not fire in combustible dense. Eight isthe proper use of fire fighting equipment.
(two) what are the self lifesaving method
Retreat into the safety zone. Fire brigade (Group) in the fire, to observe thechanges in the event of fire, fire and cyclones, organize fire personnel into the burned area, vegetation is little, low area fire. The two is according to the standard of self ignition. Unity of command, in relatively flat areas, whileaccording to the standard prone hedge. In case of danger, should choose the nearest few vegetation place down, feet to the fire and rushed to thedirection, opening the air until see wet soil, putting his face into the pit inside,wrapped head with clothes, hands on the front of the body. The four is according to the standard upwind breakout. When the mutations in the wind,fire commanders decisive turn, to issue the breakout orders, the players tomake a prompt decision, choose grass smaller, fewer places, wrap the headdress, hold breath, upwind dash out. People should be able to break out in 7.5 seconds. Do not fire the race, only to fire blast.
