Frank suggested us ______carefully before making our final decision.别人对我说11.选C the Browns 看做整体.为什么呀.明明就是复数嘛.11题讲解一下啊!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:46:52

Frank suggested us ______carefully before making our final decision.别人对我说11.选C the Browns 看做整体.为什么呀.明明就是复数嘛.11题讲解一下啊!
Frank suggested us ______carefully before making our final decision.
别人对我说11.选C the Browns 看做整体.

Frank suggested us ______carefully before making our final decision.别人对我说11.选C the Browns 看做整体.为什么呀.明明就是复数嘛.11题讲解一下啊!
比较一下The team is made up of 11 people.
the team are watching the performance.

是的 这里的the Browns指的是姓Brown的一家人, 而不是之好几个Brown