英语翻译1The same as 2in stule 3tea sb to do sth 4get on won with 5want to do sth 6love a fight with 7give sb 8look for 9give sb to sth 10fit into 11from...to...12not until 13it's time for sth 14find out 15as...as possible 16complain about 17find

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:17:30

英语翻译1The same as 2in stule 3tea sb to do sth 4get on won with 5want to do sth 6love a fight with 7give sb 8look for 9give sb to sth 10fit into 11from...to...12not until 13it's time for sth 14find out 15as...as possible 16complain about 17find
1The same as 2in stule 3tea sb to do sth 4get on won with
5want to do sth 6love a fight with 7give sb 8look for 9give sb to sth 10fit into 11from...to...12not until 13it's time for sth 14find out 15as...as possible 16complain about 17find it...to do sth 18take part in 19come true 20see sb doing sth 21compare with 22plan sth for sb 23on the one hard 24on the other hard
如果有打错的可以不翻译 其他都翻译 和造句 造一句就可以了 急的 过了10点左右就下了 最好现在能翻译好

英语翻译1The same as 2in stule 3tea sb to do sth 4get on won with 5want to do sth 6love a fight with 7give sb 8look for 9give sb to sth 10fit into 11from...to...12not until 13it's time for sth 14find out 15as...as possible 16complain about 17find
1 The same as 相同的
The weather is the same as yesterday.
2 in stule 有风格?如果是这意思的话用in style或者是has style更好吧?
3 tea sb to do sth 是不是teach sb to do sth?
It is a teacher's job to teach young children how to behave.
4 get on won with 是get on with?I get on well with Sarah.
5 want to do sth 想要做……
I want to become a doctor when I grow up.
6 love a fight with 想要和某人竞争(有点欣赏的意味在里面)
He would love a fight with you.
7 give sb 给某人
Please give this package to your parents.
8 look for 找寻
Excuse me,I am looking for a camera,could you please tell me where they are sold?
9 give sb to sth 是不是 give sth to sb?
10 fit into 挤进(时间)
Can you fit that into your timetable?
11 from...to...从……到……
The library is open from nine till five in the afternoon.
12 not until 直到……才
The concert does not finish until midnight.
13 it's time for sth 是时间做……
It is time for dinner.
14 find out 发现
I didn't find out that we have an assignment due until today.
15 as...as possible 越……越好
Please call me as soon as possible.
16 complain about 抱怨
She is complaining about her parents again.
17 find it...to do sth 不大清楚?难道是find time to do sth(找时间做某事)?
18 take part in 参加
Last spring holiday,I took part in the exchange program to Australia.
19 come true 成真
My dream came true.(梦想成真)
20 see sb doing sth 看到某人在做某事
I saw Mr.Shea telling his students about his weekend.
21 compare with 与某物或某人作比较
It is better that you compare with products from other stores before purchasing.
22 plan sth for sb 为某人计划某事
Mary helped me plan my eighteenth birthday party.
23 on the one hard 是on one hand(一方面来说)?
On one hand,the advance in technology has resulted in Global Warming.
24 on the other hard 是on the other hand (但是另一方面)?
But on the other hand,technology has enabled us to enjoy a higher quality of life than before.

英语翻译Children under the age of 2 in baby cot (1 per room) will be charged at the same rate as children sharing the bed with parents. 英语翻译是 be same as 还是 the same as? 英语翻译the same as they did before 英语翻译my dream is the same important as you in my heart.我这么翻译对吗? 英语翻译in fig .1-7c all voltages are marked in the -to+sense in going clockwise around the loop.the voltmeters are connected as shown in fig.1-7d to measure voltages u'1,u'2and u'3.nothing that the voltmeter readings are the same as the variable the same as 与the same to的区别.the answer in your paper is the same to mine 为什么是the same to不是the same as 英语翻译Are the labels of valid branch target statements that are in the same scoping unit as the arithmetic IFstatement. 英语翻译sort[(1) any group of people or things that are the same or are similar in some way; (2) a kind of something]They are the same sort of people as I.(1)He is the sort of person you want as a friend.(2)(1)(2)两句是什么意思? 英语翻译如果用 the same as 的话,I am the same age as you / yours 英语翻译1)I am in ______ schoo_________Mary and TOM.A.same...as B.same.of C .the same...as D.the same...like2)Would you please lend me your bike?Mine is not________.A.enough good B.good one C.good enough D.very good enough 3)This room is ______ t 用as/so...as..,the same as,similar to,as/so...as...,the same as,similar to填空1、this brand of aspirin is just____(effective)in relieving pain as that brand. as same as 与in the same way的用法有什么区别. 英语翻译Evaluate the expression 4(2X+3)+2(X+1)-7 for each value of X.A.1B.6C.22D.12E.Simplify the expression.When you evaluate the simplified expression for X=1 and X=6,do you get the same results as in part (a)and part (b)?Do you get the same re 英语翻译Not everyone in the oil and gas business equates investing in wind and solar power as on the same level as selling,say (for example),toothpaste. The weather in China is in AmericaA same as B same likeC the same as that D the same like that 英语翻译Specificationsshall mean the engineering,operational and/or functional descriptions,details and requirements for the Product,as set forth in the Purchase order as the same may be modified as provided herein.as set forth in the Purchase the same as中文翻译 the same as 同义词