
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:06:18


1.In the old society,the workers were pressed to work at least 4 hours per day.
2.Yesterday,the snow are very heavey,and all the ground covered snow.
3.A black car which produced from Japan.
4.The boy who's spectacled The boy with a pair of glasses the boy who wearing a pair of glasser
5.the man who ride a bike Riding a bicycle man the man who is bikecycling

1. In the old days, workers are forced to work every day more than four hours
.2 Last night, it's snowing heavily on the ground is covered with snow
3 a black car Japanese cars
4The boy with a pair of glasses
5Riding a bicycle man

1.In the old society, the worker will be pressed to work at least 4 hours per day.
2.Yesterday, the snow are very heavey, and the ground covered snow.
3.A black car which produced from Japan.
4. The boy who's spectacled
5.the man who ride a bike

英语翻译2.昨晚雪下得很大,地面上都覆盖着雪3一辆黑色的日本产的小汽车4.戴眼镜的那个男孩(3种)5骑自行车的那个男人(3种) 雪下得很大,把地面上的害虫都冻死了改为被字句 改成被字句雪下得很大,地面上的害虫都冻死了.该成被字句为:雪下得很大,地面上的害虫都被冻死了.是否正确? “雨/雪下得很大”英语翻译 雨下得很大.英语翻译 《小雪花的泪》阅读答案,开头是尽管昨晚雪下得很大很大,但却轻的没有声音·· 雪下得很大,像 英语翻译1.昨天没人迟到.2.通常情况下我们都没有人迟到.3.上星期六谁打扫了教室?4.你去年什么时候买的这辆车?5.她昨晚在聚会上玩得高兴吗? 用诗句来比喻雪下得很大注意:我要比喻雪下得很大很大很大 拧开瓶盖 英语怎么说?1 拧开瓶盖 2 雨正下的很大 / 雪下的很大 (进行时)昨晚雪下的很大 (过去式)谢谢 雪下得很大改成比喻句 雪下得很大.(改成比喻句) 雪下得很大夸张句 雪下的很大,大得( ). 雪下得很大,像()一样 1.昨晚雨下的太大了,我们全身都淋湿了(英语翻译) “昨晚我睡得 很早 ”英语翻译 有谁知道这些题目的答案?麻烦帮帮忙啊!1假设有一朵荷花能长得很大很大,可以长了覆盖整个池塘,而它每天的覆盖面积都比前一天的覆盖面积多一倍,那它要30天覆盖整个池塘,现在有两朵这样