定语从句to后面可以接who吗?比如以下句子对吗?Please forward this e-mail to who needs it!还是一定要这样写?Please forward this e-mail to those who needs it!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 15:45:21

定语从句to后面可以接who吗?比如以下句子对吗?Please forward this e-mail to who needs it!还是一定要这样写?Please forward this e-mail to those who needs it!
定语从句to后面可以接who吗?比如以下句子对吗?Please forward this e-mail to who needs it!
还是一定要这样写?Please forward this e-mail to those who needs it!

定语从句to后面可以接who吗?比如以下句子对吗?Please forward this e-mail to who needs it!还是一定要这样写?Please forward this e-mail to those who needs it!
此题不是定语从句to后面接不接who的问题 .该句正确分析应先是forward sth to sb.而该句用those表示那些人,后面who引导的定语从句是限定先行词those的.to后要接who的话也是接它的宾格whom.

如果用前面的,who要改成whoever,whoever=those who


定语从句to后面可以接who吗?比如以下句子对吗?Please forward this e-mail to who needs it!还是一定要这样写?Please forward this e-mail to those who needs it! 在定语从句中,who可以做宾语吗 非限制性定语从句中,who可以指代宾语吗 定语从句中who 可以代替whom吗? 非限制性定语从句可以用who引导吗 everybody后面跟的定语从句用第三人称还是其他的.比如every who 后面用单数还是复数. those that 定语从句定语从句中those 后面一定接 that么,可以不接么 定语从句中who什么时候可以省略 that 后面能接形容词吗?比如 the one that divorced 这应该是定语从句,感觉语法有点别扭. 定语从句中anyone后面用什么?who 还是that who引导的定语从句who可以用在介词后吗? 英语,定语从句是什么?Mike,who is always willing to share his wonderful stoies with others.是定语从句吗? 请问定语从句中可以套宾语从句吗?there is nobody who knowed what happened yesterday.这中表达对吗?定语从句可以套宾语从句吗?``` 定语从句关系代词who作主语可以省略么 The man who came to our school is Mr.Wang. that 和as区别The young teacher is the same man who visited our school last year.我看到一个地方说:the same后面可以接定语从句,如果后面的定语从句是省略的情况,则用as来引导.后面从句不是有缺少主语么?那 who可以引导名词性从句吗?可以有What I want to read most is Harry Porter.=The book I want to read most is Harry Porter.因为名词性从句是可以转化为定语从句的.但并不是所有的定语从句都能转化为名词性从句. Percentage of students who wanted to move away from Earth中有一个定语从句,老师说定语从句可以同时省略主语和谓语,这个怎么省略? 能区分一下the same as和the same which/who/where等等吗?The same as引导什么定语从句?那the same as可以接句子吗?我看网上说如果后面是省略的从句就用As,但是怎么区分省略和不完整啊,如果是who等连接代