objectivity principle是什么意思

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objectivity principle是什么意思
objectivity principle是什么意思

objectivity principle是什么意思
objectivity principle
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The Objectivity Principle 客观性原则
principle of objectivity 客观性原理 ; 局部作用原理
the principle of objectivity 客观原则
The Objectivity Principle requires business transactions and financial statements to be based upon objective and verifiable evidence. 跟读

objectivity principle是什么意思 objectivity concept是什么意思 英语口语怎么读,读成汉音也可以,谢谢objectivity This evaluation was performed with a key focus on objectivity.这句话要如何翻译比较准确? 英语翻译Others may be behind in terms of objectivity,still grappling with issues that impact personally on themselve. 英语翻译Applying New JIT—Toyota’s global production strategy:Epoch-making innovation of the work environment Abstract In order to strengthen management technology strategy,the author has recently developed a new management technology principl When theories formerly considered to be______ in their scientific objectivity are found instead to reflect a consistent observational and evaluative bias,then the presumed neutrality of science gives way to the recognition that categories of knowledg 英语翻译Ethical Principles1.Integrity-Requires honesty,frankness,and placing service and public trust before personal gain2.Objectivity-Requires impartiality and intellectual honesty3.Independence-Requires that an accountant avoid all relationshi Appearance of Objectivity 是和绩效测评有关的之后可能还会有些与绩效测评有关的英语,请在这方面擅长的朋友收藏我的号. 英语翻译How to Account?How environmental accounting is being done varies in a number of respects,notably the magnitude of the investment required,the objectivity of the data,the ability to compare different kinds of environmental impacts,and the 请教一道gre双空题 填空~Hampshire's assertions,far from showing that we can _______ the ancient puzzles about objectivity,reveal the issue to be even more ______ than we had thought.blank1  blank2a.admire d.elusiveb.dismiss e.relevantc.adap sat一道题(unlike those of) several decades ago,today's librarians teach students to evaluate the accuracy and objectivity of online resources in addition to helping them find particular books想问一下括号里为什么不能改成contrary to th 下面的句子中so that 引导的成分在句子中做什么语句?是宾补吗?2个as是什么词性?prossible做什么解释?objectivity-accounting records and statements are based on the most relaible data available so that they will be as accur 请问这两句英语有错吗?①the wrong of the theory is using the view of artists talent to negative the objectivity that society life is the root of the art②art creation is that artists use them perceptual image from their free imagination an