翻译 辩论赛内容首先,男人在社会上承担了更多的压力和责任.在生活中,男人所要承担的不仅仅是经济来源,需要去关心自己的家人.在工作中男人还要去四处奔波,还是为了自己和家人.这里就

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 15:14:08

翻译 辩论赛内容首先,男人在社会上承担了更多的压力和责任.在生活中,男人所要承担的不仅仅是经济来源,需要去关心自己的家人.在工作中男人还要去四处奔波,还是为了自己和家人.这里就
翻译 辩论赛内容
其次,受传统观念的影响,认为男人是坚强的化身,于是,男人即使遇到了挫折也不能说出来,不像女人一样,碰到挫折就把苦闷发泄出来.现代男人在物欲横流的现实生活之中,既要平衡自身思想与能力的倾斜,又要呵护所谓弱者身份异性对手,既累又不能言于其表,所以太累太累.男人更需要关怀,只是羞于说出:男人似乎应轻言关怀,可是其实男人的内心很脆弱,男人太多的压抑自己的痛苦, 而不懂主动的哭---以去宣泄.他更需别人帮他疏导,一般, 男人更象是孩子,需要母性般的关怀,男人总是试图让别人认为自己不需要关怀,所以我们说男人更需要关怀. 往往看上去坚韧,有力度的东西,其实内部却很脆弱,那么容易破碎,男人就是这样表面上指高气昂,更多的是在心里怀疑自己,而脸面上又要保持风度,实在好累,又不感轻易向人诉说,你说有多累.所以说更需要关怀.男人是在整个社会最缺少关怀的,但付出最多的人.
最后我要说男性需要的关怀被遗忘了.现在社会竞争这么激烈,而男人是首当其冲的.虽然现在已没有”男主外,女主内“的严格限制,但谁会瞧的起温柔而无能的男人,即使他的妻子也希望他有所作为吧?男人受着社会家庭的压力,拼命的挣扎,奋斗,但是又不能诉苦,也没有多少人去关心他们,安慰他们,鼓励他们,因为,大家都认为:男人是坚强的,是钢铁作成的,不需要安慰 可实际上,男人也是人,也有脆弱,好象泥塑的金刚. 男人也有痛苦,可是又有多少关心呢?

翻译 辩论赛内容首先,男人在社会上承担了更多的压力和责任.在生活中,男人所要承担的不仅仅是经济来源,需要去关心自己的家人.在工作中男人还要去四处奔波,还是为了自己和家人.这里就
First of all,men in the community to assume more responsibility and pressure.In life,a man assumed to be not only financial resources,the need to be concerned about their families.Men also at work to go around,or for themselves and their families.Here we need to take into account the pressure exerted on men.One can imagine the kind of pressure is unique,irreplaceable woman.Men to assume more obligations and responsibilities so that men and the great fragility of childhood,he must learn to be patient and strong,married when they grow up to take on the responsibility of the family,his wife is on the side of the shoulder,while a child is to be a good husband At the same time,to give children more of the father,a man in a harmonious and happy family which has a pivotal position.But in today's society to a large extent the success of the men from his career to evaluate the achievements of men in the development of the cause of the road encountered difficulties are obvious,men and women,need a sense of belonging,we should More men to care.Men need to care,but also for women to care.
Second,by the impact of the traditional concept that a man is the embodiment of a strong,the men even in the face of the setbacks can not say that,unlike women,they encountered setbacks vent out of boredom.Modern man in real life,materialistic,it is necessary to balance their own thinking and the ability to tilt,but also protected the identity of the so-called weak opponent of the opposite sex,both tired and can not be made to their table,so tired tired.Men need more care,but ashamed to say:men seem to care should be taken lightly,but in fact a man's heart is very fragile,and too many men to suppress their own pain,but does not know how the initiative to give vent to cry ---.He Others need to help him ease,in general,men are more like children,need like maternity care,men have always tried to let others think that they do not care,we need a more caring man said.Often looks tough,there are things up,in fact,within a very fragile,easily broken,the man is the face of high gas referring to Ang,is more in doubt in their minds,and at the same time maintain its face demeanor is tired Without a sense of easy person to tell you how tired said.That is why more care.Men in the lack of concern for the community as a whole,but to pay up.
Finally,let me say the men need to care for the forgotten.Now playing field so fierce,and men are the first to be affected.While it is no longer "men,the bread winners while women with" severe restrictions,but who will see the beginning of incompetence and gentle man,even though his wife also hope that he will make a difference,right?Men of the family is being affected by social pressure,hard struggle,struggle,but they can not complain,very few of them to care for them,comfort them,encourage them,because we all think:The man is strong,is made of iron and steel,non - Need for comfort can be a matter of fact,men are human beings,but also fragile,as if clay sculpture of King Kong.Men are also suffering,but how much interest it?
Secular tell us:a man should be stronger,more self-reliant and work even harder and more ......because all these "more" and that it is now "more":more men need to care!!!

翻译 辩论赛内容首先,男人在社会上承担了更多的压力和责任.在生活中,男人所要承担的不仅仅是经济来源,需要去关心自己的家人.在工作中男人还要去四处奔波,还是为了自己和家人.这里就 作为社会的一员在社会上我们应该怎样承担责任 一个男人在社会上生存必须要学会什么? 辩论赛首先要做什么? 一旦做了决定他就应该承担后果 翻译 承担后果翻译英语 戊戌变法在社会上起了什么作用 在社会上我学会了—— 作文 寻一句座右铭!有四个【勇于】开头,最后一句是【勇于承担】忘了是什么内容了啊啊, 在社会上以律制人和以理服人哪个更好的辩论赛辩题 我是正方的 翻译内容如下:“随着捐款源源不断的进来,我校明年的财务状况会好多了.这样我们就能集中应对我们作为教育工作者必须承担的最重要的任务:鼓励学生实现他们的学业目标,培养他们成为 女人男人谁强 辩论赛 辩词 大家认为一个男人活在社会上必要的生存条件有哪些 辩析题,小红认为,要对生活的责任作出正确的选择,首先要明确承担责任的代价与回报.明确了承担责任的...辩析题,小红认为,要对生活的责任作出正确的选择,首先要明确承担责任的代价与回报 我作为一个男人,应该承担这些用英语怎么说? 一个男人承担起一个家的责任 英语怎么说 为什么男人要承担那么重的压力 求翻译内容 拜托了