帮忙翻译篇论文,请不要把在线翻译的复制上来,麻烦各位百度大大了~~~As the world changed over the last five decades the post-war consensus on the rules and regulations governing the world economy was continuously eroded. Most

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 18:19:26

帮忙翻译篇论文,请不要把在线翻译的复制上来,麻烦各位百度大大了~~~As the world changed over the last five decades the post-war consensus on the rules and regulations governing the world economy was continuously eroded. Most
As the world changed over the last five decades the post-war consensus on the rules and regulations governing the world economy was continuously eroded. Most developing countries which were not present at the creation of these rules and regulations now question their legitimacy and equity. Some among them have asserted control over a strategic resources-petroleum----with spectacular results; others continue similar efforts, but without signal success to date. The revival of economic strength in post-war Europe and Japan led not only to a questioning of the rules they found inconvenient but to the collapse of these rules, the most significant case being the breakdown of the world monetary system agreed to at Bretton Woods in 1944.
The loss of consensus and the actual breakdown of some systems of global economic management have left the world economy in precarious circumstances. Currency values are unstable, trade is suffering as governments seek to shelter domestic producers, growth rates have slowed, unemployment is increasing. And all this not because the world is incapable of producing enough for its growing population or has run out of raw materials, but simply because the countries have not been able to agree on a fair system of managing the world’s economy.
Now we live in a period of profound economic changes. In the last ten years, some countries have suffered from serious frustration in their economy, while some other countries have developed their economy quite successfully.
Today, every nation shares the need to determine how to build competitive advantage in the face of increasing global economic competition. The experiences of successful and not-so-successful economies provide answers to the question.
First and foremost, a country must embrace open markets and free trade. Evidence from economically frustrated countries suggests that economic isolation leads to economic stagnation. Exposure to international market forces imposes more efficient allocation of resources and allows faster access to new production technologies. A commitment to open markets sometimes requires the will to accept short-term hardship in return for long-term economic vitality. Too often, protectionist measures to protect threatened domestic industries help only those with vested interests in threatened industries, while the country as a whole suffers.
Equally important, a country must educate its workforce because the success of a company in large measures a reflection of the skills of its employees. Countries that produce a superior work force will likely support a high number of globally competitive companies.
Finally, a nation must have an effective industrial policy. Dedication to free trade and education create conditions supportive of globally competitive industries, but does nothing to actually produce such industries. Industrial policy is a tricky thing. At its best, it creates new industries and converts sluggish local firms into world-class competitors. At its worst, it wastes large amounts of money.

帮忙翻译篇论文,请不要把在线翻译的复制上来,麻烦各位百度大大了~~~As the world changed over the last five decades the post-war consensus on the rules and regulations governing the world economy was continuously eroded. Most

帮忙翻译篇论文,请不要把在线翻译的复制上来,麻烦各位百度大大了~~~As the world changed over the last five decades the post-war consensus on the rules and regulations governing the world economy was continuously eroded. Most 英语翻译就是这篇论文的整体翻译 不要在线翻译软件翻译的 请英语高手给小弟翻译下 小弟万分感谢 我要这篇论文的整体翻译哈,不是单单这个题目 因为这个论文有点长 我没有复制上去 英语翻译请不要直接复制黏贴然后到在线翻译去翻译好吗?我需要的是真正意义上的歌词! 英语翻译请不要复制、粘贴网上的在线翻译内容。 英语翻译请英语高手帮忙人工翻译,不要那种在线翻译出来的句子, 英语翻译麻烦各位帮忙把《茶花赋》全文翻译成英文,需要准确的翻译,而不是要在线翻译出来的.我再次重声,不要直接从在线翻译上翻译过来的,那个语法完全是乱的,不能用。所以,请大 英语翻译麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译一下论文摘要,请不要直接进行在线翻译,那样的文字太生涩.摘要如下:中文摘要当今世界,企业间的竞争战略日益同质化,随着竞争的日益加剧,雇主品牌作为企 She's strong ,because she knows what it's like to be weak .She keeps a guard because she knows what请专业的英语人士帮忙翻译下.不要直接在线翻译复制过来的. 各位帮忙翻译一下,英语翻译,不要在线翻译 英语翻译求帮忙翻译论文标题(不要直接用在线翻译工具)“基于财权与事权的统一,论深化分税制改革”翻译成英文标题 为自己的信仰而执着 英语怎么说 请不要用在线翻译 我也会用 求懂英语的帮忙翻译 “游侠”在英文中是怎么表示的?游侠 在英语中是怎么翻译的?请不要在 在线翻译那里翻译了复制过来谢谢 英语翻译请帮我翻译下这个论文标题浅谈会计信息失真的治理.不要拿去在线翻译,这个我知道,不准确, 英语翻译谁能用中文翻译一下这篇英文论文,翻译要清晰连贯,体现论文主旨,不要用在线翻译那种不伦不类的.翻译好的话,我会另外加分.注:论文共六页,最后一页是参考文献,不用翻译,只翻译 英语翻译帮我翻译下,老板叫我做,请结合在线翻译弄个出来!别只是复制在线翻译的, 如何翻译生命中充满了巧合,两条平行线也有相交的一天帮忙用英语翻译一下,不要从在线翻译上弄过来哦~请各位英语高手帮帮忙啊~~谢谢了 英语翻译以下是我的论文摘要,不要在线翻译等软件智能翻译翻译准确可追加就是下面这篇 请高人帮忙翻译一下“重庆市百佑建筑工程有限公司”,谢谢!不要“在线翻译”的,谢谢啊重庆市的“市”英文如何反映呢?请告知