
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 08:29:01


Content of anthocyanosides and anthocyanidins—
Solvent: a mixture of methanol and hydrochloric acid (98:2).
Diluent: a mixture of water and 85% phosphoric acid (9:1).
Solution A— Prepare a filtered and degassed mixture of water and formic acid (9:1).
Solution B— Prepare a filtered and degassed mixture of water, acetonitrile, methanol, and formic acid (40:22.5:22.5:10).
Mobile phase— Use variable mixtures of Solution A and Solution B as directed for Chromatographic system. Make adjustments if necessary (see System Suitability under Chromatography 621).
Standard solution 1— Dissolve, using sonication, an accurately weighed quantity of USP Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside Chloride RS in Solvent to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about 0.4 mg per mL. Transfer 2.0 mL of this solution to a 10-mL volumetric flask, dilute with Diluent to volume, and mix. [note—This solution is stable for 48 hours at 4.]
Standard solution 2— Dissolve, using sonication, an accurately weighed quantity of USP Cyanidin Chloride RS in Solvent to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about 0.5 mg per mL. Transfer 2.0 mL of this solution to a 100-mL volumetric flask, dilute with Diluent to volume, and mix. [note—This solution is stable for 36 hours at 4.]
Standard solution 3— Transfer about 125 mg of USP Powdered Bilberry Extract RS, accurately weighed, to a 100-mL volumetric flask, add 25 mL of Solvent, sonicate to dissolve, dilute with Diluent to volume, and mix. [note—This solution is stable for 48 hours at 4.]
Test solution— Proceed as directed for Standard solution 3, except to use Powdered Extract.
Chromatographic system (see Chromatography 621)— [note—Use deactivated silanized HPLC vials.] The liquid chromatograph is equipped with a refrigerated autosampler maintained at 4, a 535-nm detector, and a 4.6-mm × 25-cm column that contains 5-µm L1 packing. The flow rate is about 1.0 mL per minute. The column temperature is maintained at 30 ± 1. The chromatograph is programmed as follows:
(minutes) Solution A
(%) Solution B
(%) Elution
0–35 93®75 7®25 linear gradient
35–45 75®35 25®65 linear gradient
45–46 35®0 65®100 linear gradient
46–50 0 100 isocratic
50–51 0®93 100®7 linear gradient
51–60 93 7 isocratic
Chromatograph Standard solution 1, and record the peak responses as directed for Procedure: the tailing factor for the cyanidin-3-O-glucoside chloride peak is not less than 0.8 and not more than 2.0; and the relative standard deviation determined from the cyanidin-3-O-glucoside chloride peak for replicate injections is not more than 2.0%. Chromatograph Standard solution 3, and record the peak responses as directed for Procedure: the chromatogram obtained is similar to the Reference chromatogram provided with the lot of USP Powdered Bilberry Extract RS being used; the resolution, R, for the delphinidin-3-O-arabinoside, malvidin-3-O-galactoside, and petunidin-3-O-arabinose peaks is not less than 0.8; and the resolution, R, for other components is not less than 1.0.
Procedure— Separately inject equal volumes (about 10 µL) of Standard solution 1, Standard solution 2, Standard solution 3, and the Test solution into the chromatograph; record the chromatograms; and measure the areas of the analyte peaks. Using the chromatogram of Standard solution 3 and the Reference chromatogram provided with the lot of USP Powdered Bilberry Extract RS being used, identify the retention times of the peaks corresponding to the different anthocyanosides and anthocyanidins. The approximate relative retention times of the anthocyanosides and anthocyanidins are provided in the following table:
Analyte Relative
Delphinidin-3-O-galactoside chloride 0.61
Delphinidin-3-O-glucoside chloride 0.73
Cyanidin-3-O-galactoside chloride 0.84
Delphinidin-3-O-arabinoside chloride 0.86
Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside chloride 1.00
Petunidin-3-O-galactoside chloride 1.08
Cyanidin-3-O-arabinoside chloride 1.11
Petunidin-3-O-glucoside chloride 1.24
Delphinidin chloride 1.28
Peonidin-3-O-galactoside chloride 1.36
Petunidin-3-O-arabinoside chloride 1.39
Peonidin-3-O-glucoside chloride 1.55
Malvidin-3-O-galactoside chloride 1.58
Peonidin-3-O-arabinoside chloride 1.67
Malvidin-3-O-glucoside chloride 1.76
Cyanidin chloride 1.82
Malvidin-3-O-arabinoside chloride 1.91
Petunidin chloride 2.08
Peonidin chloride 2.27
Malvidin chloride 2.30
Separately calculate the percentages of delphinidin-3-O-galactoside chloride, delphinidin-3-O-glucoside chloride, cyanidin-3-O-galactoside chloride, delphinidin-3-O-arabinoside chloride, cyanidin-3-O-glucoside chloride, petunidin-3-O-galactoside chloride, cyanidin-3-O-arabinoside chloride, petunidin-3-O-glucoside chloride, peonidin-3-O-galactoside chloride, petunidin-3-O-arabinoside chloride, peonidin-3-O-glucoside chloride, malvidin-3-O-galactoside chloride, peonidin-3-O-arabinoside chloride, malvidin-3-O-glucoside chloride, and malvidin-3-O-arabinoside chloride in the portion of Powdered Extract taken using the formula:
10,000(C/W)(rU / rS)
in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside Chloride RS in Standard solution 1; W is the weight, in mg, of Powdered Extract taken to prepare the Test solution; rU is the peak response obtained for each of the anthocyanosides in the Test solution; and rS is the peak response obtained for cyanidin-3-O-glucoside chloride in Standard solution 1. Add the percentages calculated for all the anthocyanosides: not less than 36.0% is found. Separately calculate the percentages of delphinidin chloride, cyanidin chloride, petunidin chloride, peonidin chloride, and malvidin chloride in the portion of Powdered Extract taken using the formula:
10,000(C/W)(rU / rS)
in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP Cyanidin Chloride RS in Standard solution 2; W is the weight, in mg, of Powdered Extract taken to prepare the Test solution; rU is the peak response obtained for each of the anthocyanidins in the Test solution; and rS is the peak response obtained for cyanidin chloride in Standard solution 2. Add the percentages calculated for all the anthocyanidins: not more than 1.0% is found.

欧洲越橘美国药典HPLC测定方法是怎样的? 药典测定含量是怎样计算的 药典中有虾青素含量的检测方法吗中国药典中有虾青素含量的HPLC检测方法吗 药典中柳氮磺吡啶溶解度的测定方法 使用HPLC测定槐花芦丁含量时 芦丁标准品响应值比样品还低,使用药典上的方法测定提取出来的芦丁样品,条件是以甲醇:1%醋酸=32:68做流动相,257nm下检测.对照品是芦丁UV>98%,根据药典上的条件 美国药典HPLC检测,流动相中的己胺与磷酸盐溶液混合有什么用处? 求佐匹克隆,右佐匹克隆,普罗布考的欧洲药典,美国药典有关物质分析. 欧洲药典与美国药典的大标题分别该如何翻译? 维生素e《中国药典》规定的含量测定方法是什么? 请问哪里可以弄到美国药典31版和欧洲药典 6 版,都是最新版的. 按照药典规定的HPLC法进行定量分析时,如果分离度达不到要求,可以采用哪些方法和手 药典中测定重金属铜的制剂--在线等待是药典里的啦 药典中对化合物的熔点测定方法和测定装置有什么规定 2010版药典中HPLC使用的数量是多少? 现行美国药典是第几版?这个药典是几年修订一次的啊? HPLC测定含量(外标法),什么时候用校正因子计算,什么时候不用,药典上外标法公式里没有校正因子.不是内标法才用校正因子计算的吗?并且见他们用外标法计算的公式跟药典不一样,用了稀释 HPLC-UV是什么方法 HPLC/MS 呢 我知道hplc是高效液相色谱,后面的是什么? HPLC测定白芍中芍药苷含量的色谱条件是怎么选择的药典测定芍药苷含量的色谱条件是 A乙腈-B 0.1%磷酸溶液,流速1.0 mL∕min,检测波长230 nm,柱温25℃,进样10μL.