开学典礼新生发言 (英语的)求一篇大一开学典礼新生发言稿~英语

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:30:16

开学典礼新生发言 (英语的)求一篇大一开学典礼新生发言稿~英语
开学典礼新生发言 (英语的)

开学典礼新生发言 (英语的)求一篇大一开学典礼新生发言稿~英语
Leaders, teachers and students:
Gold September, sunny, cool autumn wind sent. In this harvest season, we greet the new school year the opening ceremony. I am here on behalf of all the new schools extend a warm welcome! At the same time, I have to all freshmen, Laosheng express my best wishes: I wish everyone good health, Xueyeyoucheng!
Since the beginning of a new semester, our campuses everywhere filled with a festive mood in the near future students will be equipped with modern teaching building of the school atmosphere, a good feeling Never mind. In recent years, we are not in school at all times of great change. So who can not for pride and joy? »
All along, the leadership and the teachers work in silence, selfless dedication, the students have worked hard to create a beautiful campus environment, and create a good learning conditions. In the development of a school every day, every day to improve the environment. However, the students have thought about it » Schools to develop and image to tall, the efforts of teachers alone is not enough, need you, me and him, the joint efforts of all. You a word, I am here to create a beautiful image of the school, every young pioneers of the behaviour of the relationship between words and deeds of the school honour, the show is the school's taste.
Students, and school bags on their backs when you facing the Chaoyang morning began the first day of the study, you have to rise, you have to chest, the spirit emerge, confident, you should be installed in the hearts of a great determination when you return to school Home on the road, you have to Momo their own bags, you have to ask ourselves today to learn what » Have wasted time of the day » The magic from your dreams, and the great ideals and aspirations of a better past is not also a step forward »
Fellow students, let us follow the fall, picked up a small brush, depicting the life more beautiful. Let us flying soul, launched voice, the songs of Chang Yishou spring.
Finally I wish the students in the new starting point and a new voyage raised the sail forward, made more brilliant achievements! Thank you!

正好我也闲着呢。。。给你个大纲吧 不知道你什么水平 英语就不写了 免得 让别人知道不是你写的

开学典礼新生发言 (英语的)求一篇大一开学典礼新生发言稿~英语 作为初一新生在开学典礼上的发言 英语作文100字 我是大一新生,刚入了院团委宣传部办公室,主任要我在见面会上代表新生发言,求一篇5分钟左右的发言稿, 英语短文(礼仪方面)大一新生做课前发言,需要一篇英语短文要求:关于礼仪的 不要低幼化不要用特别难的词(符合大1新生) 高一新生开学典礼演讲稿发言的题目是跨进高中新起点!要有目标的! 急求一篇大一新生迎新会的英文发言稿要英文的,时间在4到5分钟,辞藻华美点,有点小例子,不用太难!要代表新生发言的那种!谢谢…………! 开学典礼新生代表发言稿 小学新生代表发言稿 初一新生代表发言稿 高一新生代表发言稿 大一新生代表发言稿《2011年秋季开学典礼新生代表发言稿3篇》《大学新生代表发言稿2篇》《高中开 急求大一新生英语日记,关于国庆节的 大学新生英语自我介绍计算机系的大一新生~急求一篇英文的自我介绍~2分钟即可~再稍微长点…… 求一篇秋季小学开学典礼的发言稿 求一篇800字的开学典礼发言稿! 求一篇开学典礼的新闻中学 求一篇写开学典礼的新闻 求大学校长在新生开学典礼上的讲话稿写作题:2011年9月1日,某大学举行新生开学典礼,请你以校长的身份撰写一篇1000字左右的校长在开学典礼上的讲话稿.(自拟题目,要有讲话稿的写作格式. 写一篇英语发言稿我是一个高一的新生,英语能力还是比较不错的,求一篇英语的发言稿,在第一节英语课上发言用,可以多些,但要懂,会读, 求一篇大一新生 竞选班长的演讲稿 实在点的 急~~~~ 求一篇以“畅想大学”为主题的文章1200字左右.对了..我是大一新生.... 求一篇大一新生竞选班委的演讲稿!不是班长!