I was disappointed that the hotel____ in Hong Kong didn't supply free access to the internet.A) where I stayedB)which I stayed我觉得吧,该选B,但是答案选A,解析说定语从句缺状语,应该选择表示地点的关系副词,我就纳闷了

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 21:11:02

I was disappointed that the hotel____ in Hong Kong didn't supply free access to the internet.A) where I stayedB)which I stayed我觉得吧,该选B,但是答案选A,解析说定语从句缺状语,应该选择表示地点的关系副词,我就纳闷了
I was disappointed that the hotel____ in Hong Kong didn't supply free access to the internet.
A) where I stayed
B)which I stayed

I was disappointed that the hotel____ in Hong Kong didn't supply free access to the internet.A) where I stayedB)which I stayed我觉得吧,该选B,但是答案选A,解析说定语从句缺状语,应该选择表示地点的关系副词,我就纳闷了
我们来还原这道题目:I stayed in the hotel
看见了吗?先行词(被定语从句所修饰的名词)是the hotel,我们在还原时要在the hotel 的前面加上in,证明 the hotel 是地点,就用引导词where.
这里的地点和后面的in Hong Kong 没有任何关系.

where 等于 in which.
in the hotel which i stay..
stay 后面要stay in the hotel

where代指的是stay in the hotel, 而不是 in Hongkong.
这样应该就明白了吧。 要是用which做代词的话也行,就应该改成...the hotel I stayed in... 要加上一个介词 in。

应该为stayed in the hotel in Hong Kong停留在香港的旅馆,where I stayed作the hotel的后置定语解析,如果是B,则应该改为in which I stayed