
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:23:28


Once这个词,意思很多,用途广泛,现介绍常见的用法.它可以表示“一次”,也就是说if something happens once,it happens only one time.看看例子:I’ve been out with him once,that’s all.我只和他出去过一次,就这样.I have never forgotten her,though I saw her only once.我只见过她一次,却从没忘记过她.在表示“一次”的时候,once通常放在句尾.今天的文章里,用到的once意思是something happened in the past,但时间上不确定.比如:I once investigated this story and it seems to be wholly untrue.我曾调查过这个传闻,看来它似乎一点都不真实.这时,once通常放在动词前面,或者句首.有时候,有些曾经是“事实”的情况现在发生了变化,也用once来表达,比如:He had once been a big star but now he was finished.他曾是个大明星,但现在完蛋了.这时,once放在be或助词后面,有时还放在句尾.讲了这么多,下面来做点练习,请你试着翻译句中的once:1.These carvings were once brightly colored.2.This is kind of thing certainly,but only once in the lifetime.3.There was once a great actor who could no longer remember his lines.4.He once knew her,but they are no longer friends.公布答案:1、3句中的once,意思是“曾经是但现在不是”.2句,once表示“一次”.4句,once指不确定的“过去”,也就是“曾经”.你做对了吗?补充一点,once这个词,绝对不可以表达未来将要发生的事情,比如要表达“以后,我会给你一次表演的机会”,就绝对不能说I’ll give you a chance to act once in the future.这是纯正的chinglish,老外听不懂的.) 英语里,我们用one day表示“久远的将来”或者sometime表示“即将到来的未来”.来看两个例子:One day,you’ll be very glad we stopped you.总有一天,你会为我们阻止了你而高兴.I’ll give you a call sometime.过几天,我打电话给你.所以,上面那句话就可以改成:I’ll give you a chance to act sometime.