
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 04:21:03

——摘自《北京精短文学》2009年第3期 作者/无味子

W:The furniture i saw on our first date was borrowed,right?
M:How do you know that?
W:By your sister`s socks,they were not the same color,so how could you afford to buy combination furniture?
M:Then why did you agree to marry me?
W:On dinner,you left all the meat dumpling to your younger sisters and brothers,which indicated that you are a good man.

Female:At the marriage interview,the furniture was borrow,isn't it!
Male:How are you know that
Female:Your little sister's socks were in different colors,how can't you buy the furniture.


Female:At the marriage interview,the furniture was borrow,isn't it!
Male:How are you know that
Female:Your little sister's socks were in different colors,how can't you buy the furniture.
Male:Why are you agree this marriage.
Female:When we are dinnering,not only you did't eat a meal dumpling, but give to your brother and sister,I think you are a kind guy!


Female: "mutually, the furniture is borrowed?"
Male: "how do you know?"
Female: "you are not wear socks sister would buy a color, the assorted furniture?"
Male: "that you how also agreed to the marriage?"
Female: "eat, you eat meat dumplings are not a brother and sister, up, you can see. A good man.

F: "love, that is to use the furniture, right?"
M: "how do you know?"
Daughter: "your sister not to wear a color of socks, that would buy furniture from portfolio?"
M: "That's how you a...


F: "love, that is to use the furniture, right?"
M: "how do you know?"
Daughter: "your sister not to wear a color of socks, that would buy furniture from portfolio?"
M: "That's how you also agreed to the marriage ah?"
F: "to eat, you also did not have a meat dumplings, are to give the younger brothers and sisters. Can see, you are a good man.


英语翻译女:“相亲时,那家具是借的吧?”男:“你怎么知道?”女:“你妹妹穿的袜子都不一个色,那会买的起组合家具?”男:“那你怎么还同意这门婚事啊?”女:“吃饭时,你一个肉饺子也 英语翻译:和你肌肤相亲,是我所向往的. 相亲女问相亲男,对女生有什么要求?相亲男居然说对女的长相没要求.请大家说说看这男的意思 英语翻译那个人是女的. 大家看这句话啥意思?说我没有魅力吗?我相亲时认识了一女的,对方了解了我工资家庭状况后(我年薪50万,那女的1000一个月,和我见了一面就立即主动说要跟我处(我不帅,),但随后感觉她对我 英语翻译我要的是开头女的唱的那段英文翻译 橡胶木家具优缺点橡胶木做家具好吗?我买家具时,有售货员说橡胶木和橡木是一材质的 家具英文单词怎么说不是关于家具的单词,就单单是”家具”这个单词.越快越好! 什么样的家具是好家具?家里装修想买整套家具. 相亲类节目 ;剩女 ;拜金主义 ;作秀 这几个关键字的英文翻译 第一次去相亲的女方家,在她家吃饭敬酒该对她的父母说些什么词?第一次去女方家相亲,一是给自己锻炼的机会,二来送给她父母把把关,去她家该怎么称呼她的父母,第一次见面该说什么话,还有 现在,我又看到了那阔别多年的相亲,熟悉的老屋和那爽朗的笑声.这句话是病句,怎么样修改呢? 相亲时说写什么、?用英语翻译 英语翻译佛山富芝宝家具有限公司是国内唯一一家生产多功能家具,以手动、电动家具为主的现代化家具企业.公司现拥有自主研发的“梦幻系列”“精灵系列”两大系列产品,该产品开创国内 英语翻译home office furnitures 是指的“家庭办公设备”吗?如果是的话,能举几个例子吗?如果是“家庭办公家具”,那可以举个例子吗?比如 电脑桌?打印机 算不算?呵呵 “相亲”的英语怎么说? “相亲”的英文怎么说?或者是说媒的英文 那位知道 邯郸红旗家具 和 河北的力军力家具 哪个 好一点?