悲催的哲学qiuz又来了,西方哲学对错题求解Descartes is the most representative philosopher of empiricism. Illusions and hallucinations are evidences of the fact that sometimes we are deceived by our senses. Descartes claims that clear a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:54:00

悲催的哲学qiuz又来了,西方哲学对错题求解Descartes is the most representative philosopher of empiricism. Illusions and hallucinations are evidences of the fact that sometimes we are deceived by our senses. Descartes claims that clear a
Descartes is the most representative philosopher of empiricism.
Illusions and hallucinations are evidences of the fact that sometimes we are deceived by our senses.
Descartes claims that clear and distinct ideas are contingent truths. In other words, according to Decartes, clear and distinct ideas might sometimes be false.
A clear and distinct idea is normally something we gain from perception.
According to Descartes, the fact that I doubt is resistant to the method of doubt, that is, at least I cannot doubt that I doubt.
The expression “cogito ergo sum” means “to be is to think”.
Descartes claims, “I am, I exist, is necessarily true each time that I pronounce it or that I mentally conceive it”.
The thought “I feel pain in my leg” is an example of clear and distinct idea.
Descartes believed that the existence of God could not be proved.
According to Descartes, God might be the evil genius.

悲催的哲学qiuz又来了,西方哲学对错题求解Descartes is the most representative philosopher of empiricism. Illusions and hallucinations are evidences of the fact that sometimes we are deceived by our senses. Descartes claims that clear a
1)笛卡尔是经验主义的代表人物 F
3)笛卡尔表示 清楚明白的或许是真理,话句话说 也可能是谬误?
.我感觉是F 不过从字面意思上好像是T 不确定
4)清楚明了的东西源于感觉(preception) F 很显然笛卡尔认为来源思想
5)我思故我在 T 我不能怀疑我在怀疑这个事实
6)我思故我在 是 to be is to think T 存在就是思考
7)F (这句话不大读懂,但是凭感觉应该是F
8)F 胳膊疼痛很显然不清楚明了
9)F 笛卡尔公理第二条就是认为上帝可以证明.
10)F 虽然在假设的时候,笛卡尔甚至连上帝都否认了,但是在笛卡尔的三条公理中,认为上帝和客观世界都是真实存在的

Descartes is the most representative philosopher of empiricism. (F)
Illusions and hallucinations are evidences of the fact that sometimes we are deceived by our


Descartes is the most representative philosopher of empiricism. (F)
Illusions and hallucinations are evidences of the fact that sometimes we are deceived by our
senses. (F)
Descartes claims that clear and distinct ideas are contingent truths. In other words, according
to Decartes,clear and distinct ideas might sometimes be false. (T)
A clear and distinct idea is normally something we gain from perception. (T)
According to Descartes, the fact that I doubt is resistant to the method of doubt, that is, at least
I cannot doubt that I doubt. (T)
The expression “cogito ergo sum我思故我在” means “to be is to think”. (T)
Descartes claims, “I am, I exist, is necessarily true each time that I pronounce it or that I
mentally conceive it”. (T)
The thought “I feel pain in my leg” is an example of clear and distinct idea. (F)
Descartes believed that the existence of God could not be proved. (T)
According to Descartes, God might be the evil genius. (T)


Q: Descartes is the most representative philosopher of empiricism.
A: F, rationalism

悲催的哲学qiuz又来了,西方哲学对错题求解Descartes is the most representative philosopher of empiricism. Illusions and hallucinations are evidences of the fact that sometimes we are deceived by our senses. Descartes claims that clear a 如何处理西方哲学与国学如题,我想按照哲学处理自己的事情,又想用国学来指导自己,到底我该选什么啊,郁闷 西方哲学中国哲学的联系 东方哲学与西方哲学最大的不同点是?如题 西方哲学和东方哲学融合了吗 中国哲学与西方哲学的差异 中国哲学与西方哲学的区别? 东方哲学和西方哲学的区别是什么? 中国哲学与西方哲学的不同之处? 中国的哲学:道家思想,儒家思想,影响了哪些西方哲学家?具体表现在哪些西方哲学思想上? 印度哲学,西方哲学,中国哲学相互之间最本质的区别. 什么是哲学?中国哲学与西方哲学的异同? 什么是哲学?中国哲学与西方哲学的异同? 古希腊哲学,甚至是整个西方哲学的核心问题是什么?如题 关于对错的挺有哲学的句子如题 探讨西方哲学特性的起源为什么西方哲学比东方哲学更复杂、严密和有系统性? 大家谈谈对哲学的看法,哲学是有用还是没用,是对是错,我是说西方哲学,特别是马列主义!话是没错,但我觉得,如果没有哲学,哲学上那些方法我们也会用,他说不说我们都会用,那说了和没说又有 中国哲学与西方哲学的异同实在的