用英文写一个请假条(事假) ..

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:39:04

用英文写一个请假条(事假) ..
用英文写一个请假条(事假) ..

用英文写一个请假条(事假) ..
To:John Smith,Supervisor
From:George Chen,Accounting Department
Date:March 11,2001
Subject:Casual Leave of Absence
John,I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from March 23 to 27.
Yesterday I received a letter from my parents,who are both over 70,telling me that a big flood took place at my home village,causing serious damage to my house.As the only son of my parents,I should of back to assess the situation,and help them to get over these difficulties.Though I cannot stay at home for too long a time,I should at least make arrangements for repair work.I believe my relatives in the village and my neighbors will also come to help.Financially I have no difficulties.
I will call you at 1:30p.m.or you can call me at any time.

用英文写一个请假条(事假) .. 事假请假条怎么写 如何写事假请假条 有谁可以帮我用英文写一个请假条么?谁可以帮我写一个英文请假条 内容就是因为家里面有事情 所以晚上缺席 请事假 谢谢麻烦可以帮我写一个关于 我隔壁家的小孩生病了 家里没有人 我要 事假或者病假的请假条该怎么写?最好有写好事假、病假的请假条做参考 事假请假条的格式? 建筑项目经理应如何写事假请假条啊? 用英文写请假条,和请假条的翻译 请假条用英语怎么写, 用英文写一张因头痛而不能去上课的请假条 用英文写的请假条 ,关于要去医院检查的急 用英文怎么写请假条?60个单词左右,有关不能去上学的 怎样用英语写一份请假条实在不知道怎样用英语来表达麻烦各位给个例子吧 病假和事假各一 求一请假条 我请假回家,要半个月,请假条怎么 事假 没有什么好理由 【请写一篇关于请假条的英文作文】【写作内容】假设你是李芳,六月五日是你的爷爷七十岁大寿.你想向李老师请半天事假回家,下午和家人一起给爷爷祝寿,明天早上回校上课.【写作要求】 帮孩子写一个请假条.事假条!求格式!具体原因看下面!因为 家里面 老婆要迁户口 就是说要孩子 到派出所与老婆证明一下是 母女关系 去派出所 就是说签个字,然后 请下午的半天假.谁能帮我 请假条怎吗写请问用英语写一篇请假条该怎么写啊...最好给一篇范文 怎么写请假条?请假条格式与请假条范文