英语翻译1Water is a precious resource.Although we are surrounded by it in oceans,lakes,rivers and streams,our supply is limited.The chart given shows that most of the water on earth — 97.4 percent — is salt water stored in oceans.Only 2.6 per

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:47:57

英语翻译1Water is a precious resource.Although we are surrounded by it in oceans,lakes,rivers and streams,our supply is limited.The chart given shows that most of the water on earth — 97.4 percent — is salt water stored in oceans.Only 2.6 per
1Water is a precious resource.Although we are surrounded by it in oceans,lakes,rivers and streams,our supply is limited.The chart given shows that most of the water on earth — 97.4 percent — is salt water stored in oceans.Only 2.6 percent of the earth's water is fresh water,and 2 percent is locked up in ice caps and glaciers.Thus the fresh water left for us to use is only 0.6 percent of the total water supply.
There will never be any more fresh water than there is now.In fact,the earth is short of fresh water.Besides,the increasing growth of the world population,the growing demand of industry for water,the serious pollution of our environment all this makes the world in danger of running out of fresh water.In some large cities such as Tianjin,fresh water cannot meet the daily needs.
Since water is essential to all life and the supply limited,we must manage it intelligently and carefully.
Too much homework has become a common complaint in high schools and elementary schools.Students have to spend most of their time doing homework,even on weekends.As a result,they have no time for their hobbies,or for their parents or friends.All they do is what they have to do,not what they like to do.The underlying cause for this phenomenon lies in the present exam-oriented education system.National College Entrance Examination has become the sole focus of teachers,parents,and students themselves.High score becomes the ultimate goal,to the neglect of practical abilities,personality development,and all that.
It is urgent that we deepen our educational reform.We must allow for students' overall development,not just evaluate their test scores、
Department of Applied Physics Tsinghua University Beijing,China Sept.11th,1999 Office of Graduate Admissions Boston University Massachusetts,USA Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward master degree in your unversity.My name is Li Jin,an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics,Tsinghua University(China).Next year in the summer,I will graduate and get my BS degree.I plan to continue my study and research in this field under the insructions of first-class professors and in a dynamic academic atmosphere.I chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers,an array of databases and research projects in your School of Physics.I believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the School.And my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the Graduate Application Forms,the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships,a detailed introduction to the School of Physics,and other relevant information.My mailing address is shown on the top of this letter.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

英语翻译1Water is a precious resource.Although we are surrounded by it in oceans,lakes,rivers and streams,our supply is limited.The chart given shows that most of the water on earth — 97.4 percent — is salt water stored in oceans.Only 2.6 per
1:水是一种十分珍贵的资源.尽管海洋、湖泊、江河和溪流在我们周围屡见不鲜,但是水资源供给仍然十分匮乏.图标显示地球上绝大多数的水资源——97.4%——都是贮存在海洋中的咸水.淡水仅占地球上水资源总量的2.6%,其中,2%的水存在于冰盖和冰川中.因此,供我们使用的水仅占水资源总量的0.6%.世界上,再不会有比现在更多的淡水资源.事实上,地球十分缺乏淡水资源.此外,世界人口数的日益增长,不断扩大的工业用水需求量和严重的环境污染使得地球面临失去淡水的危机.在一些像天津一样的大城市,淡水根本无法满足每天的用水需要.由于水对于日产生活的重要性以及水资源数量的有限性,我们必须理性而谨慎地管理水资源.2:过重的课业负担,已经令高中和小学怨声载道.即使在周末,学生们也不得不花费更多的时间完成家庭作业.因此,他们没有时间去做自己爱好的事,也没有时间陪伴自己的父母和朋友.他们所做的都是被迫做的事情,而不是资源去做的.造成这一现象的主要原因是现行的应试教育机制.高考已成为老师、家长甚至学生自己的核心焦点.高的分数成为了最终的学习目标,而忽略了实际操作能力的培养、个性的发展等等.我们必须切实深化教育改革,忽略学生的考试成绩,促使学生全面发展.3:中国北京 清华大学应用物理学系,1999年9月11日美国马萨诸塞州波士顿大学研究生招生办公室亲爱的女士或先生,我写这封信是希望有幸到贵校研修应用物理学硕士学位.我是林涛,本科毕业于中国清华大学应用物理学系.明年夏天,我将毕业并得到理学学士学位.我希望我能够在一流教授的指导下,在具有活力的学术氛围中继续我在这一领域的学习和研究.我选择波士顿大学是因为,贵校拥有一个情投意合的研究着团队,一系列数据库和研究项目.我坚信,我的学习兴趣和贵校实力完全契合,而且我的坚固的学术背景刚好符合贵校的研究生招生标准.请将贵校研究生申请表、奖学金/助学金申请表,贵校物理系的详细介绍以及其他相关信息寄给我,我将不胜感激额.我的邮寄地址已经写在这封信的顶端.敬候您的回复.





PS这么多文字你给的赏金也太少了吧。。。好辛苦。我先给你翻译一段你看看怎么样再说- -



这个太长了 我先帮你翻译一段吧,因为是上班时间。...



这个太长了 我先帮你翻译一段吧,因为是上班时间。


英语翻译why is heavy water a better moderator than normal or light water 英语翻译‘water’ is stuff that bears a certain similarity relation to the water around here. 英语翻译93 1Washington food down with water as a substitute for chewing is not a good idea the water level in a water tank is 1m.due to leakage,the water level drops 2.4cm every minute.find the water level after 30.5minutes . 英语翻译 帮个忙啊A water jet cutter, also known as a waterjet,[1] is a tool capable of slicing into metal or other materials using a jet of water at high velocity and pressure, or a mixture of water and an abrasive substance. The process is e 英语翻译1Water is a precious resource.Although we are surrounded by it in oceans,lakes,rivers and streams,our supply is limited.The chart given shows that most of the water on earth — 97.4 percent — is salt water stored in oceans.Only 2.6 per 英语翻译This is a huge,wide,sandy beach that is very popular for water sports and swimming. 英语翻译第一篇:Some of the water which is taken in is lost throughtiny opening on the of surfaces.On a hot and windy day,the plants lose a lot of water through the tiny opening on the leaves.This water is lost as water vapour.Water vapour is 1、water dog的意思是 ,water boy意思是 ,The water the1、water dog的意思是 ,water boy意思是 ,The water the stones意思是 water trees意思是 ,in low water意思是 ,in deep water意思是 .2、Which is the longest poem(诗)-a son 英语翻译Water is the most common substance(物质) found on the earth,but less than 1% ofthe earth’s water is suitable for drinking.More than 1,000,000,000 peoplearound the world survive on just over 1 galon of water a day.Probebly morethan 3,0 拼词成句 elephant,water,baby,a,is,drinking(.) Which letter is a full of water ? What letter is a body of water? there is a water t____in our school a salt well is much like water Australia is a nation of water babies, a quantity of water pipes is/ are? There is water in a cloud是什么意思