几道BEC中级改错题,我的改错非常不好,根本原因是语法不好,每次改错的12题,我得错一半.哎 我也不知道该怎么办,从上中学开始,英语课都没听过,到高三的时候才开始猛背单词...语法真的是一

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 11:12:42

几道BEC中级改错题,我的改错非常不好,根本原因是语法不好,每次改错的12题,我得错一半.哎 我也不知道该怎么办,从上中学开始,英语课都没听过,到高三的时候才开始猛背单词...语法真的是一
我的改错非常不好,根本原因是语法不好,每次改错的12题,我得错一半.哎 我也不知道该怎么办,从上中学开始,英语课都没听过,到高三的时候才开始猛背单词...语法真的是一塌糊涂.
The Myth of the Paperless Office
0 The concept of a paperless office grew with the advance of technology.It was
00 widely been claimed that as email became commonplace,people would stop
34 writing memos,keeping bulky files and bringing piles of paper to the meetings.
35 But the reality has in fact been quite the reverse,and paper,having already
36 survived five thousand years of technological change,and has proved remarkably
37 resilient.Worldwide,the amount of paper used for each year continues to
38 rise up,although statistics now show a slight reduction in the amount
39 it consumed in the UK.So,has technology failed in its aim to end the use of
40 paper?Max Bray,a business lecturer,thinks office workers still distrust computers.
41 ‘Technology is unreliable in most of people's eyes,’ he says.'If you are sent an
42 important email,you are likely to print it,because there is always the
43 fear that it might have get deleted.’ In contrast,Paul Blunt,a marketing
44 manager for desktop products,who says there has been significant progress in
45 automating a wide range of tasks,even though the transition between has been more of an evolution than a revolution.
正确答案我有 可我还有几个地方不明白
35.我觉得应该把having already该成have already.可正确答案是这行没有错误...
37.为什么要把for去掉?used for each year,我觉得也说得通啊
41.if you are sent an .这句子怎么解释?被动语态?如果是被动语态怎么翻译呐?难道是“如果你被发送了重要的邮件?、

几道BEC中级改错题,我的改错非常不好,根本原因是语法不好,每次改错的12题,我得错一半.哎 我也不知道该怎么办,从上中学开始,英语课都没听过,到高三的时候才开始猛背单词...语法真的是一
35.having already 是现在分词短语在句中做时间状语 after the paper has already survived five thousand years of technological change,可以变成这么个介词短语引导的时间状语从句,只是这样句子就不够简练了
37.下面一个是过去分词作定语的用法 used each year 每年使用的纸张量 持续增长
be used for 是被用来做...for 后面跟名词 这里用used 只是表示纸张和用这个动作之间是被动的关系 纸张是被使用 而不是自己使用自己 比如说 Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists.原句可以变成定语从句 the amount of paper,which is used for each year ,continues to raise up
41.If you are sent an important email,you are likely to print it,because there is always the fear that it might have get deleted.’如果有人给你发了封很重要的邮件,你很可能会把邮件打印出来,因为总是会担心这个邮件会被误删.这里用you are sent an important email 指的是别人发送给你 而不是你发送 是指你收到了一封重要的邮件 那么you 和send 之间是被动的 所以用被动语态了

35 要跟36 连起来看
paper(对paper的描述)has proved remarkably resilient。
the amount of paper 是use的宾语,each year是副词短语, for 在这里没有成分可充当,如果for表示每年以来,应该是for years。
send sb sth=send sth to sb 在被动态里倾向于用前者。

几道BEC中级改错题,我的改错非常不好,根本原因是语法不好,每次改错的12题,我得错一半.哎 我也不知道该怎么办,从上中学开始,英语课都没听过,到高三的时候才开始猛背单词.语法真的是一塌 几道BEC中级改错题,我的改错非常不好,根本原因是语法不好,每次改错的12题,我得错一半.哎 我也不知道该怎么办,从上中学开始,英语课都没听过,到高三的时候才开始猛背单词...语法真的是一 2道BEC中级改错题,我的改错非常不好,根本原因是语法不好,每次改错的12题,我得错一半.哎 我也不知道该怎么办,从上中学开始,英语课都没听过,到高三的时候才开始猛背单词.语法真的是一塌糊 我BEC中级阅读错二十五个,改错部分老是做不好,很多次都错一半 BEC答题卡关于BEC中级阅读第五部分的改错我用的水笔写的,你说能读出来, bec中级改错题用了黑色签字笔写..是不是没戏了? 我的物理真心不好,改错. 几道改错题谢谢. 关于BEC中级答题卡这次考BEC中级的时候,在阅读改错的部分先用黑笔写了单词,后来马上用铅笔涂在黑笔上面希望可以盖掉黑笔的痕迹.这样我的改错会有分吗?还有我的写作答题卡是用铅笔写的 bec中级改错和听力第一部分用水笔写的没用铅笔算分吗?求考过bec有相同经验的同学给个答案啊. BEC中级,听力填空和阅读改错是用大写字母么 是用铅笔写么 BEC中级听力不好,怎么办? 请问可以给我发一下bec中级真题英语第四辑的详解解析和听力吗?非常感谢.我的邮箱是yanjingfeng5@163.com 给我套bec中级题, 改错题改错题 关于BEC中级的问题.我BEC中级的真题正确率大概在55%到66%之间.请问这样通过BEC的概率大吗? 急,BEC中级改错题 BEC中级改错题 For purchases where the risk of making the wrong decision is greater,like buying a new car,so the search for information is more important.so ,因为没有因果关系但是如果去掉so,那句子与句子 bec中级听力怎样准备?我的英语发音不准,导致听力能力也不好,该怎么办?