
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:20:06


1、The Revolutionary Situation of 1920-1931 1927-1931的革命形势
Review the revolutionary situation of 1927-1930 and emphasize the development of the Chinese revolution; just this development made Jiang Kai-shek afraid and waged the five “Encirclement and Suppression”Campaign.(method:map)
2、The Five Times Resistance to “Encirclement and Suppression” Campaign 五次反“围剿”
Facing the attack of KMT ,the Worker-peasant’s Red Army resisted to the four times “Encirclement and Suppression” Campaign successfully led by the correct policies; but the fifth ,the Red Army failed .Teacher question on the reasons of succeed and failed and organize the students to discuss freely,then discover the truth that the revolutionary policies must be on the basis of the revolutionary fact.
Part Two:The Long March 长征
1、The Early Stage of the Long March 初期的长征
Because of the failure of the fifth resistance to “Encirclement and Suppression” Campaign,the Red Army were forced to begin the Long March.Introduce the first stage of the Long March led by Wang Ming with a short video,and emphasize the loss in this course.
2、The Zunyi Conference 遵义会议
At this vital important time,Comrade Mao Tse-tung suggested to walk to the west and was took by the party center.Later introduce the Zunyi Conference by a short video; let the students pay attention to the time,place,contents and its influence.To the evaluation of the Zunyi Conference,question how to understand this conference is a turning-point of the vital importance.
3、The Course and Result of the Long March 长征的过程和结果
Use the map to learn about the path of the Long March and ask the students to tell some stories about the Red Army in the course of it.Later,conclude the Long March with the poem of Comrade Mao and evaluate it with the words of Comrade Mao.
