请问that与it的指代事物与人的细微区别.考试有,头疼.【这是另外一个号,不怕】1-He got his first book published.It turned out to be a bestseller.-When was that?It was in 1900.2— Do you still remember the day when we went to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 16:30:15

请问that与it的指代事物与人的细微区别.考试有,头疼.【这是另外一个号,不怕】1-He got his first book published.It turned out to be a bestseller.-When was that?It was in 1900.2— Do you still remember the day when we went to
1-He got his first book published.It turned out to be a bestseller.-When was that?It was in 1900.
— Do you still remember the day when we went to the Great Wall?
— I can't remember it well,but could it have been sometime last year?【it 指代the day】
3Are you suggesting I will soon die?
Wise:Oh no,I didn't mean ( )
答案是that,为什么不能用 it

请问that与it的指代事物与人的细微区别.考试有,头疼.【这是另外一个号,不怕】1-He got his first book published.It turned out to be a bestseller.-When was that?It was in 1900.2— Do you still remember the day when we went to

一、it 有四种用法


He got his first book published. It turned out to be a bestseller. (指代上文提到过的his first book)

Polish the table until it shone. 请把桌子擦出光亮(指代桌子)

He couldn't find out who it was;他查不出是谁.(指代尚不知道的人)

The meeting opened by calling it to order. 会议开始,全体肃立.  (指代与会群体)


When was that?It was in 1900.. 那是什么时候?那是1900年.(指代时间)

It is getting dark. 天黑了下来.(指代天气)

It is not far from here. 离这里不远.(指代距离)

She couldn't stand it. 她无法容忍、(指代情况)

3、强调代词:用于“it is+ 强调词语 +  that + 其余部分”指代强调部分,如:

It was on Friday that all the snow fell.下雪的那天是在星期五.(强调on Friday).

It is he that/who has come to see you. 来看你的正是他.(强调 he)


Is it certain that they will win? 他们一定会赢吗? (形式主语,指代后置的主语从句)

I find it very difficult to do it. 我觉得做那件事很困难.(形式宾语,指代后置的不定式)


1、指代离开身边的事物,(如果不强调离开身边,可以用it 代替)

What kind of soup is that? 那是什么汤?

That's my wife you were talking to.  刚才和你说话的人是我老婆.

That's John Gibb, operations chief for New York Emergency Management. 那个人是约翰·吉布,纽约应急管理办公室的行动总指挥官.

“Who's that with you?” “A friend of mine.”  “和你在一块儿的那人是谁?” “一个朋友.”


“She said she'd met you in England.” “That's true.”   “她说她在英格兰见过你.”“是的.”

“I've never been to Paris.” “That's a pity. You should go one day.”  “我从没去过巴黎.” “可惜了,你什么时候应该去一次.”

They said you particularly wanted to talk to me. Why was that?. 他们说你特别想和我谈谈.为什么?

“Hey, is there any thing the matter with my sisters?” “Is that why you're phoning?”  “喂,我的姐妹们没事儿吧?”“你打电话就为这个吗?”

请问that与it的指代事物与人的细微区别.考试有,头疼.【这是另外一个号,不怕】1-He got his first book published.It turned out to be a bestseller.-When was that?It was in 1900.2— Do you still remember the day when we went to that,one,it作代词.纠结啊1:that,特指,指代上文提到过的事物的可数或不可数,但与上文事物同名异物.例如:the weather in XX is better than that in XX(所以说同名异物).通常代替词有the,this的定冠词修 请问make a fire与start a fire的区别?RT.区别应该很细微,) 什么是近距离指代和远距离指代.还有单纯因素指代和综合因素指代?我在看论述类文本阅读技巧的时候,看到了“一是从原事物与指示代词的位置上看,有近距离指代和远距离指代.二是从原事 SAT语法 IT指代对象It能不能指代从句?动词短语?还是只能指代名词?that好像都可以指代的吧 THIS、THAT和IT的指代用法有什么区别? THIS,THAT和IT的指代用法有什么区别 it one this that 指代上文内容时的区别 this 和 that 都可对前面提到过的事物进行指代,然而又什... 请英语达人帮忙、请详细点哈.代词.it、that都是表示特指、而且都有指代可数名词单数的用法、除了一个是同类事物、一个是同类不同物指代外、那还怎么区别呢、the ones , those ., that 都可以 与come about 有关how did it come about that such an unexpected event had happened?这个句子怎么理解啊.翻译成什么,句子中的it应该是指代后面的THAT从句, it的指代有哪些 one,that,it在指代前面的词汇、短语、句子,以避免重复时,分别指代什么? 指代 it that oneNo bread in the world is as sweet as _____ it made by your own hand.A、the one B、it C、that D、one为什么要选that?one、it与that的用法都有什么不同? they,that指代时的区别?they可以用于指代吗?请问一下他们的具体用法区别 “12”与事物的联系 That 与it,one 的区别 用one与it造句就是指代上文出现的名词,各要10个句子,初一上学期水平