六个英语句子,求帮忙纠正语法错误!1.The little girl is too young to look after her.2.China is larger than any other country in Africa.3.Mary speaks Chinese quite good.4.I have borrowed the book for 2 days.5.It's no use wait here.还有

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:23:17

六个英语句子,求帮忙纠正语法错误!1.The little girl is too young to look after her.2.China is larger than any other country in Africa.3.Mary speaks Chinese quite good.4.I have borrowed the book for 2 days.5.It's no use wait here.还有
1.The little girl is too young to look after her.
2.China is larger than any other country in Africa.
3.Mary speaks Chinese quite good.
4.I have borrowed the book for 2 days.
5.It's no use wait here.

六个英语句子,求帮忙纠正语法错误!1.The little girl is too young to look after her.2.China is larger than any other country in Africa.3.Mary speaks Chinese quite good.4.I have borrowed the book for 2 days.5.It's no use wait here.还有
1.her---herself;这个小女孩太小而不能照顾她自己.这里你可以从句意方面去理解.我纯粹是凭语感来理解的.2.Africa--- Asia;中国比亚洲其他任何一个国家都大.因为中国不属于非洲 ,这里的“其他国家”指的是在亚洲的其他国家,这种表达囊括了中国也属于亚洲这一必要前提.3.good---well;good是形容词主要修饰名词,这里句意为“玛丽中文说得很好.”修饰的词是“speak”这一行为动作,应该用副词“well”.“well”也能做形容词,不过大多指身体好,没有“good”的用法广.4.borrowed---kept;怎么讲呢,这里牵扯到一个短暂性又名非延续性动词在句中不能与“for+一段时间”连用,要换成延续性动词的语法概念.“borrow”是借的意思,这个动作只发生在一瞬间,不可能永远持续,所以叫做短暂性动词;英语中有硬性规定,这时候“borrow”只能转换为"keep",意为“保留,保存”,这个动作可以一直持续下去.一般来讲,这初中类型的考点不止一个,还有其他需要转换的,如:begin---be on.然后这里的时态是现完,于是就用“keep”的过分形式“kept”.5.wait---waiting;no use后面跟动词ing形式.这个你想简单点就是固定搭配,你想深化点就是,在这种形式主语结构中当句子的表语是no use时,其真正主语通常是动名词.


4.have had borrowed 因为borrow是短暂性动词,不能借了3天的书,



after 是介词后跟名词代词动名词her应用名词性物主代词
country---countries other后跟名词的复数
去掉have 一个句子里不能有两个动词(有的除外)

1. The little girl is too young to take care of herself.
2. China is larger than any other countries in Asia.
3. Mary speaks Chinese quite well.
4. I borrowed the book 2 days ago.
5. It's no use waiting here.

六个英语句子,求帮忙纠正语法错误!1.The little girl is too young to look after her.2.China is larger than any other country in Africa.3.Mary speaks Chinese quite good.4.I have borrowed the book for 2 days.5.It's no use wait here.还有 中翻英,请帮忙纠正语法错误, 帮忙纠正英语语法错误.英语大神进.Sweet food also very popular in two countries. 求英语大神纠正语法错误 There are some positive and negative求英语大神纠正语法错误There are some positive and negative of travel from different country 帮忙看个英语句子有木有语法错误Up till now ,I haven't got used to the life here. 求大虾帮忙修改一篇英语高中作文求改正语法错误 和把句子变的地道 谢谢图片 六个英语完成句子 求大神解答 应该有语法错误,谁能够帮忙纠正英语作文的语法错误?The summer vacation is coming to an end,I attend an English summer camp,it is very interesting,I can't forget,let me talk about the things on there.Our teacher is from Canada,but 英语发音,求纠正急. 求英语大师纠正前八题. 纠正几个英语语法错误!不能改变句子语气(就是感叹句),最好不要有太大的变动,1.How beautiful the girl is!2.What a heavy rain!3.How big the box is!4.What wonderfulplays!5.How nice the boy is!这些句子有语法错误,要 帮忙修改一下英语作文.只要把语法错误和词汇错误纠正出来.Today I want to talk about something which the Italians like to eat best, that is macaroni. Macaroni is an Italian food and it is also very popular all round the world. T 帮忙检查一下这些句子有没有语法错误, 帮忙判断一下这个英语句子有没有语法错误Participate in activities from drawing to biking 英语帝来吧 - -帮忙翻译个句子 你能不能忽视我的语法错误. 请纠正这个英文句子的所有语法错误!What's your mean?你的意思是? 六个最高级的句子英语 谁能帮忙修改英语语句中的语法错误这些句子意思很明了,请帮忙修改一下语法错误,尽量不改变原意.It's the war.You must comply with command.You can't do anything in the yard except the kill enemies.You must kill them