
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 15:26:51


We went to school yesterday.
The woman wore adress.
I saw a monster on the TV!
They drank wine this morning
I ate a hamburger.


Yesterday,i wore my new blue shirt and went to the school,i saw a man who drank a lot of wine,i guess he also ate his supper for a long time with hs friends.


用went,wore,saw,drank,ate造句,带翻译 rode,ate,was,drank,saw,watched,went,won. rode,ate,was,drank,saw,watched,went,won.(怎么填) 用WaS,had,visited,ate,watched,went,drank,got填空 英语翻译是这几个过去式:rade ate was drank saw went won gave played watched 快啊,急,rade 骑 ate 吃 was 是 drank喝 saw看见 went走 won获胜 gave给 played 玩 watched观看 drank,ate,saw选出不同的一类 Tom went into the c__shop and drank some. she wore herself and then went out错误在哪 如果用过去式是i went to see 还是 i went to saw? The baby went asleep after she drank some milk =The baby ____ go asleep ____ she drank some`` 有一题 英语首字母填空:On 1 June,1992,a French thief borke in to a house in Paris.He went into theliving room and s_______ two pictures.Then he went into the kitchen.He opend the fridge and saw champagnes.He was very thirsty,so he drank b_ 英语好的come in~Tom is a seaman.He is always drunk.One day Tom went to strange cit.He drank very much in a bar that night.When he went out of the bar,he saw a man lying in the street .The man was quite drunk.When Tom came nearer,the man pointed t 1.将下面单词填入括号内rode ate played was drank saw watched went wonDaming and simon _went_to a baseball game in Amerrica.They ___their bicycles.Then they ___the game.They____their favourite team.Their team ____ very well and they___.Daming 帮我查一下这些单词的音标:good bad tasty yucky snowy Canada spicy Thailand went ate wrote readmade rode sang drank saw blew fell sat broke swept took came rake a test go on vacation get a haircut see the dotor shop for clother have a par 连词造句boy girl panda man ┆ walked ate saw ┆ television homework woman nurse teacher ┆ watched played ┆ school bamboo hospitalelephant tiger snake ┆ liked drank did ┆ park station zoo ball dog ┆ ran went was wanted ┆ football kit 英语选词造句boy girl panda man woman nurse teacher elephant tiger snake dogwalked ate saw watched played liked drank did ran went was wantedTV homework school bamboo hospital park station zoo ball football kite hamburger例:The panda ate bamb 一篇my winter vacation谁敢抄袭I had a happy winter vacation.In the vacation I went to panda base with my parents.There were many giant pandas and lesser pandas.I saw three baby pandas drank milk by themselves.Every one of them had a milk bottle 英语翻译Daming and Simon went to a baseball game in America.They ___ their bicycles.Then they ____ their favourite team.Their team___ very well and they____.Daming and Simon ___ hot dogs and drank colas.It____ a great game!rode ate was played saw