
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:28:26


1.how nice it could be if I hadn't got sick!Then I could go swimming with you.
2.These scientists have devoted their lives to science,and made great contribution to the development of economy.
3.If he can't tell right from wrong,how can he be a judge?
4.I gave him some advise and some money,in the hope that he will gave money to others who need help some day.

1. What if I hadn't been ill! Then I could go on a journey with you now.
2. These scientists devote their whole lives to the science, making great contribution to the development of economy.


1. What if I hadn't been ill! Then I could go on a journey with you now.
2. These scientists devote their whole lives to the science, making great contribution to the development of economy.
3. How could he be a judge if he couldn't tell the good from the bad?
4. I gave him some advices and a sum of money as well, hoping that he could also help others with the money he saved one day in the future.


If i were not ill,i would go travlling with you.
If you can not judge whther it's right or wrong,how are you to be a
I give you a little advice and much money,and i hope you can help
somebody by your own money

英语翻译1:要是我没有生病多好啊!那我就可以和你一起去旅游.2:这些科学家把一生献给了科学,为经济发展作出巨大贡献.3:如果他不能明辨是非,怎么能当法官?4:我给了他一些建议同时给 英语翻译 我要是考前就知道这些题目的答案该有多好啊 我生病了 他说要是他能替我生病就好了, 英语翻译.如果我能读懂人心,那该有多好啊!英语怎么说 英语翻译我要是有分身术多好,一个陪着父母,一个陪着外公外婆,一个陪着你. 英语翻译天空 我要是个鸽子多好 那就可以与天空相拥 虽说鸟儿飞过的天空留不住痕迹 但我就喜欢天空的那一片蓝 一片十年前的蓝 十年后依然的蓝 那是个不会被岁月遗失了的天堂 三月的 虽然我的暑假生活没有多好,但这也是我的暑假生活用英语翻译 为什么人活的很累 我要是太空人该多好啊?3Q 英语翻译由于成绩的问题,使得我无法选择那个专业.我们一家人都会出去旅游.我很羡慕那些说英语很流利的人.要是我可以像他们一样那该多好啊我不喜欢记单词,所以我的词汇量很少 信念,人生的火把 这篇作文 1.写莱特兄弟的那片中:“要是我也能像大雁那样飞起来,就好了.”和“要是能做一只会飞的大雁该多好啊!” 这两句话体现了大儿子的什么性感和小儿子的什么愿 英语翻译那我要是想回答这句话,“没有,这些还没被处理过呢”怎么说哦? 英语翻译咱要初一水平的!我什么都看不懂啊!没有任何要求,只要是作文就行了~ 英语翻译你要是女的那我就不该喜欢你 英语翻译英语翻译1、我夫人每天早上用车载我去办公室.(take to)2、要是雨会停下来该多好.(if only)3、她突然到来使得他不能外出.prevent from 为什么要有个宇宙?要是连宇宙都没有那该多好呀. 我的妈妈 作文事例不要是生病时照顾 我现在经常生病.英语翻译这句话! 以后别生病,我会担心,英语翻译