英译汉3000词 (关于土地征用) Land Takings Land takings by governments for non-agricultural purposes through the eminent domain power—state expropriations or acquisitions—are probably the most visible and contentious rural issue in to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 03:32:39

英译汉3000词 (关于土地征用) Land Takings Land takings by governments for non-agricultural purposes through the eminent domain power—state expropriations or acquisitions—are probably the most visible and contentious rural issue in to
(关于土地征用) Land Takings Land takings by governments for non-agricultural purposes through the eminent domain power—state expropriations or acquisitions—are probably the most visible and contentious rural issue in today’s China.Under the current legal regime controlling land expropriations and other forms of land takings,farmers do not receive adequate,consistent treatment in terms of sufficiency of compensation and transparency of procedure.As a result,China’s urban-biased development is heavily “financed” by farmland taken for non-agricultural purposes.Further,the bulk of the compensation allowed by current laws and policies—grossly inadequate as it is—is routinely intercepted by local governments and village officials.Meanwhile,land-losing farmers have been blocked from the land-taking processes without opportunities to receive proper notice and to voice their opinion or concerns in a meaningful manner.To make matters even worse,affected farmers seldom have access to independent courts for an unbiased ruling when the expropriating agency (typically the Ministry of Land & Resources (MLR) and its local branches) fails to sufficiently address their concerns.Consequently,land -related issues arising from state expropriations or acquisitions have recently become the top cause of rural grievances.The
news of violent confrontations—sometimes involving deadly
shootings by police or security forces—between land-losing
farmers and local governments are routinely suppressed by the
Chinese government,and the few stories reported by foreign
media are likely the tip of the iceberg.38 Against this backdrop,
we designed a series of questions that aim to uncover how
farmers are treated in land takings.
The picture is disturbing indeed.Interviewees report one
or more land takings in 476 of the 1,773 survey villages
(26.8%) since the second round of contracting (or since 1995
if the village has not conducted the second round of con-
第三段During the last ten years,cases of land takings have grown
more than fifteen times,and the growth appears to be acceler-
ating.Accordingly,farmers are facing ever-increasing danger
of losing their land and livelihood to urbanization and non-
agricultural development.为啥没人译啊?

英译汉3000词 (关于土地征用) Land Takings Land takings by governments for non-agricultural purposes through the eminent domain power—state expropriations or acquisitions—are probably the most visible and contentious rural issue in to

英译汉3000词 (关于土地征用) Land Takings Land takings by governments for non-agricultural purposes through the eminent domain power—state expropriations or acquisitions—are probably the most visible and contentious rural issue in to 政府征用农民土地怎样补偿 某单位为了职工的住房问题,计划征用一块土地盖一幢总建筑面积为30000m2的宿舍楼(每层的建筑面积相同).已知土地的 征用费为2250元/ m2,土地的征用面积为第一层的1.5倍,经工程技术人员核 对于企业政府合作征用农民土地有什么政策? 根据我国相关法律的规定,下列关于土地所有权的表述正确的是(  )A 城市市区的土地属于国家所有B 城市郊区的土地属于农民集体所有C 农村的宅基地属于农民集体所有D 国家依法征用的 谁能告诉我江苏省金坛市金城镇经济开发区土地征用补偿标准? 请问征用和征收两个词有何区别? 中国古代文学发展有何特征用两个词概括 十五从军征用( )描写和( )描写刻画人物 判断题“ 国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依据法律规定对土地实行征用”正确表述是:“国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对土地实行征收或者征用并给予补偿.”很久没做判断题了 农民工是农民阶级还是无产阶级?如题土地被征用后的农民工是属于什么阶级? 某学校为了解决教师住房问题,计划征用一块土地,盖一栋总建筑面积为am^2的宿舍楼,已知土地的征用面积为第一层的2、5倍,土地征用费用为每平方米2388元,经工程技术人员核算,第一、二层的建 土地法律法规我们县为了开发.要征用我们村的所以土地.一亩土地5万元,返一分地.所返土地要求建设房屋.建设房屋要按要求面积建.不够土地的要12万一亩,上政府买.农民的土地都被征用了.农 国家为了公共利益的需要,可依照法律规定对土地实行征收或者征 用并给予补偿的规定是(“国家为了公共利益的需要,可依照法律规定对土地实行征收或者征用并给予补偿”的规定是( ) 当我们看到土地被不断征用,越来越多的农民失去了赖以生存的土地,我们就可以向有关部门呼吁什么名言警句 根据下列材料写一份同意请示的批复:xx市广播电视局关于征用土地的请示xx{xxxx}x号xx市人民政府:为了妥善解决干部职工的住房问题,我局拟征用郊区xx镇土地2亩6分3厘.经协商,我们双方皆同 关于土地的诗歌 关于土地的诗歌,