1.if the goverment had built more homes for the poor several years ago,the housing problem now [wouldn't have been] so serious in many parts of the country.这好像是什么错综复杂虚拟句是吗?请问括号里的词应该改成什么才对?6.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:20:23

1.if the goverment had built more homes for the poor several years ago,the housing problem now [wouldn't have been] so serious in many parts of the country.这好像是什么错综复杂虚拟句是吗?请问括号里的词应该改成什么才对?6.
1.if the goverment had built more homes for the poor several years ago,the housing problem now [wouldn't have been] so serious in many parts of the country.
6.a small oreder 一小笔订单,这本身应该当复数看还是单数看?

1.if the goverment had built more homes for the poor several years ago,the housing problem now [wouldn't have been] so serious in many parts of the country.这好像是什么错综复杂虚拟句是吗?请问括号里的词应该改成什么才对?6.
1.从句的动作与过去事实相反,而主句的动作与现在或现在正在发生的事实不符的时候,时态要做相应改变.所以要改为wouldn't be
2. sell是主动表被动的动词,这类动词还有sound,taste, look, feel, smell
3. in correspondence with是与.一致.题意是和真正需求相比较,如果和它一致了就没有比较了.
改为in comparison with
4. for fear that是我们做.以免.这里的动作是没有确定的,是设想出来的.
改为in case
5. have trouble with是对什么有麻烦,而不能用have trouble to
6. a small order 一笔小订单是用单数,因为这个订单是指订单本身,而不是订单所代表的货物.

1 我也没看出错 这确实是一个虚拟语气
2 sell这个词是一个汉英的语言差异 sell是不用被动的
3 从句子意思来看明显是说供应的材料多于实际需求 因此correspondence是说反了
4 没有上下文 不太好翻译
5 改成with 这是个强调句 正是空调才给我们带来这么多麻烦 trouble with 是固定搭配
6 不清楚...


1 我也没看出错 这确实是一个虚拟语气
2 sell这个词是一个汉英的语言差异 sell是不用被动的
3 从句子意思来看明显是说供应的材料多于实际需求 因此correspondence是说反了
4 没有上下文 不太好翻译
5 改成with 这是个强调句 正是空调才给我们带来这么多麻烦 trouble with 是固定搭配
6 不清楚


2. sell 就可以了 商品sell well 都这么用 不需被动 因为说的不是被卖这个动作 而是说它销路好
3.accordance 依照实际需求来看,市场上的建材供应过度。
4.in case,for fear that是为了防止某事发生,但句子意思是担心某事发生


2. sell 就可以了 商品sell well 都这么用 不需被动 因为说的不是被卖这个动作 而是说它销路好
3.accordance 依照实际需求来看,市场上的建材供应过度。
4.in case,for fear that是为了防止某事发生,但句子意思是担心某事发生
5. without,没有空调那会儿 麻烦事很多
6. order就是一笔两笔地算咯 a small order 当然是单数了 别把订单量和它搞混了


If prices rise too high ,the goverment has to do something ____it A.stop B.stopped C.stoppingDto the foot of the goverment 如题 1.if the goverment had built more homes for the poor several years ago,the housing problem now [wouldn't have been] so serious in many parts of the country.这好像是什么错综复杂虚拟句是吗?请问括号里的词应该改成什么才对?6. Health care and education are two areas of goverment priority in most,if not all,of the .求翻Health care and education are two areas of goverment priority in most,if not all,of the countries around the world.我在in most前都能看懂,这个in mo 四级英语语法问题1.Goverment reports,examination compositions,legal documents and most business letters are the main situations ( )formal language is used.A.in which B.on which C.in that D.at what2.If the building project ( ) by the end of t What does the goverment do to help the poor? 大家看看这句话是什么语法现象?Were if left to me to decide whether we should have a goverment without newspaper or newspapers without a goverment,I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter请问这句话一开始的Were if left 1.Will you please ____ flowers A.pick B.don't pick C.not to pick D.not pick2.If prices rise too high,the goverment has to do something _____ itA.stop B.stopped C.stopping D.to stop选哪个呢?为什么?我总是搞不懂非谓语动词的题,遇到 英语翻译1.China is seeing a tilt towards youth in its academic and goverment circles.2.Young people are capable of doing remarkable things if they are given the chance.3.He has published articles in presti-gious magazines such as Science and hi The goverment must take______to fight against pollution.(act) the goverment have some laws____是change还是changed谢咯~ The China goverment have legal 中文意思是什么 The new goverment will come into p___ next month according to the survey,it is almost ___that the goverment will lose the next election.1.sure2.certain3.exact4.doubtful为什么,详解 the goverment should do something to p____ peopthe goverment should do something to p____ people hurting wildlife The goverment should do something to control the pollution.(同义句转换)The goverment ____ _____ ______to control the pollution 应填什么?The goverment should ____ _____ _____ to control the pollution the goverment of the people by the people and for the people the goverment off the people buy the people far the people