帮忙看看语法On 11 October 1921,in Bombay,Mohandas K.Gandhi set afire on a pile of foreign made clothes as the first step of the long term campaign of boycotting british goods.The Swadeshi campaign that Gandhi launched was really stirring.Gandhi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 19:32:45

帮忙看看语法On 11 October 1921,in Bombay,Mohandas K.Gandhi set afire on a pile of foreign made clothes as the first step of the long term campaign of boycotting british goods.The Swadeshi campaign that Gandhi launched was really stirring.Gandhi
On 11 October 1921,in Bombay,Mohandas K.Gandhi set afire on a pile of foreign made clothes as the first step of the long term campaign of boycotting british goods.
The Swadeshi campaign that Gandhi launched was really stirring.Gandhi made a speech.
He stated:“Ours is not a drive for power,but purely a non-violent fight for India ’s independence.
Gandhi has asked every Indians to wear home made clothes,and to put all the foreign clothes together and burn it with fire.
The day was sunny and warm,Gandhi stood hathpace of the square and there were crowds around him,woman and man were shouting.when Gandhi raised his hand,everyone became quiet.
He announced:“First,It was the duty of indians to inform the sepoy that is was wrong to help a government which had forfeited the confidence of the country.”

帮忙看看语法On 11 October 1921,in Bombay,Mohandas K.Gandhi set afire on a pile of foreign made clothes as the first step of the long term campaign of boycotting british goods.The Swadeshi campaign that Gandhi launched was really stirring.Gandhi


帮忙看看语法On 11 October 1921,in Bombay,Mohandas K.Gandhi set afire on a pile of foreign made clothes as the first step of the long term campaign of boycotting british goods.The Swadeshi campaign that Gandhi launched was really stirring.Gandhi on october 还是 in october 求语法正确:We plan on October 19th send the to Atlanta and Germany 改错 帮忙看看语法 之类的错误 帮忙改改.This questionnaire is related to Australia’s population problems. Population growth has large numbers of impacts on other areas. I will concern on the situation of Australia’s population, ec 高中语法综合训练1lt is 10 degrees centigrade today.lt is cold ( ) october.a.inb.withc.ford.on on 15 October 2003翻译 语法挑错啊I was born on October 11,1987I and the younger brother two people My family lives in AnshanIs he older then you?I had not understood?I have not translated I have not translated 没错么? 帮忙看看这个句子有没有语法错误 If my solar calendar birthday is weekdays on which I have to work If my solar calendar birthday is on weekdays when I have to work 这两个句子,哪个对?语法上 高手帮忙翻译,谢谢! On October 1st 2009 all Chinese people were excited because it was our nation' on October 15.2003 in October 15.2003 哪个对 求高手帮忙翻译英语短文啊啊啊啊!Halloween On October 31,Americans celebrate Halloween. Halloween means holy(hallow) evening(een). People in Europe believed that on October 31 ghosts of dead people came back.To scare the ghosts,peo 请帮忙看看下面两个英语文段有无语法或其他什么明显的错误?如有请指出并说明原因,如果能给出优美地道的修改方案那就再好不过了.On the morning of April 29,2007,from 10:00 to 11:00,hundreds of millions 请帮忙看看下面两个英语文段有无语法或其他什么明显的错误?如有请指出并说明原因,如果能给出优美地道的修改方案那就再好不过了.On the morning of April 29,2007,from 10:00 to 11:00,hundreds of millions 帮忙翻译下,英译中incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Company’s Registration Statement on Form S-3 filed on October 25, 1993. your is birthday on october 11th用这些词组成句子 your is birthday on October 11th 用这些词组成句子 帮忙看看这两句语法对吗?One thing need to be complementaryReceipts' date should be this year! 写了一段英文,请各位帮忙看看有没有错看看有没有语法错的,用错单词的,句子冗长什么的.有的话请帮忙修改一下,Bobby applied a loan on 1Jan but was rejected because of his address.Bobby was unsatisfied with that