
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:37:16

我们是四口之家,婆婆、老公 儿子和我,婆婆是名公交公司的退休员工,现在在家帮我照顾儿子乐乐,儿子乐乐1岁多了长的很可爱,也很活泼~!是猪年生的金猪宝宝~!老公是个物业公司的主管 工作很努力 生活虽然不富裕但是我们彼此关心对方生活的很幸福,我现在无业在家没事的时候就看看股票、上上网、最大的乐趣就是给儿子做饭~!我跟婆婆的关系很融洽~!婆婆是个开朗的人,我很尊敬她~!全家人最大愿望就是希望儿子乐乐可以健康快乐的成长,长大成材将来成为有才华有能力的人~!

I'm 29 years old,female,married.My family has four people,husband,son,grandmother and me.My grandmother was retired from a transit company.I'm now taking care of my son whose name is LeLe at home.He is 1 year old,very cute and vivid.He was born in the year of pig.My husband is the manager of a Property Management Department.He works hard.Although we are not so rich,but we love each other deeply.My biggest pleasure is to prepare meal for my son.In the meantime,I share my sparetime at home in surfing the internet and having a look at the stock.My relation with my grandmother is harmonious.My grandmother is open and clear.I respect her very much.The biggest wish of my family is eager to see the growth of my son,.Hope him to be a useful man in the future.