英语句子分析:There followed St.Paul's Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666.There followed 是部分倒装?还是其他的语法?built after the terrible fire of London和Cathedral的关系怎么分析?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 05:12:32

英语句子分析:There followed St.Paul's Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666.There followed 是部分倒装?还是其他的语法?built after the terrible fire of London和Cathedral的关系怎么分析?
英语句子分析:There followed St.Paul's Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666.
There followed 是部分倒装?还是其他的语法?built after the terrible fire of London和Cathedral的关系怎么分析?

英语句子分析:There followed St.Paul's Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666.There followed 是部分倒装?还是其他的语法?built after the terrible fire of London和Cathedral的关系怎么分析?
there follow可以译为“那之后是…” built after the terrible fire of London in 1666是过去分词短语修饰St.Paul

1。There followed是部分倒装 2.built是定语。原句是.which was built.只是把which was省略了。修饰Cathedral.3.after后接的是时间状语

全倒装啊 there 开头的全倒装句型啊 built是作定语的啊 不是火灾前的大教堂 是重修后的大教堂 完了~~

英语句子结构分析 he stood there smoking a cigarette 英语句子there are 英语句子结构分析 None would have dreamed of there beng such a place 英语句子结构疑惑There he is a regular customer.这个句子怎么分析结构?尤其是这个he ,放在there和is中间是啥用法 求英语大神分析一个句子请分析一下这个句子的结构I think there is a world market for maybe five computers. 英语:并分析句子结构 英语高手帮忙分析个句子There’s nothing like trying food that you really never have anything like before 英语句子 we decided to talk to some students about why they go there.请分析一下六大句子成分. 英语中there能做主语吗?能分析一下there is nobody there的句子结构吗?我在书上看到there is nobody there中的nobody是做表语的!那么它是特殊情况还是书上解释有误? 带There weve there is there was 的英语句子 英语 sometimes you have to wait to ages there to see someone.请帮我分析一下句子,尤其是后面“there to see someone”是什么成分? 一个英语句子的成分分析You shouldn't stand there _____(watch) the milk _____(boil) over.填什么?为什么?请分析的透彻些, 求分析下英语句子which one of us is gonna be having sex in there?请问句中的have为什么要加ing?求分析下. there is motivation only when there is pressure!谁能帮我分析分析这个句子结构 英语达人来分析词性.there are differance between needs and英语达人来分析词性.there are differance between needs and wants.这是我在沪江看到的句子,有疑问.need可以复数,但是want也能加s吗? 初二英语句子分析请问这个句子的成分怎样划?(句子成分),that 在这里是怎么回事?There are many famous predictions that never came true. 英语特殊句子分析!As sat there a big bird flew over.这个句子有什么特殊用法?As后加个逗号是什么意思? 英语句子分析:There followed St.Paul's Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666.There followed 是部分倒装?还是其他的语法?built after the terrible fire of London和Cathedral的关系怎么分析?