---______that he managed to get the information?184839574---______that he managed to get the information?---Oh,a friend of his helped him.A.Where was it B.What was it C.How was it D.Why was it 如果此题选C的话,怎么将强调句还原呢?我认

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:01:45

---______that he managed to get the information?184839574---______that he managed to get the information?---Oh,a friend of his helped him.A.Where was it B.What was it C.How was it D.Why was it 如果此题选C的话,怎么将强调句还原呢?我认
---______that he managed to get the information?184839574
---______that he managed to get the information?
---Oh,a friend of his helped him.
A.Where was it B.What was it
C.How was it D.Why was it
如果此题选C的话,怎么将强调句还原呢?我认为该题的题干有错,应改为a friend of his helping him.这样才能还原成完整的句子.A friend of his helping him,he managed to get the

---______that he managed to get the information?184839574---______that he managed to get the information?---Oh,a friend of his helped him.A.Where was it B.What was it C.How was it D.Why was it 如果此题选C的话,怎么将强调句还原呢?我认
楼主你要看问题回答的是什么 这里他要说的是他怎样成功知道哪个信息的 重点在“怎样”后面的回答可以知道 这里应该能确定是how 还原应该是 It is a friend of his that helped him managed to get that information.

c , ---Oh,a friend of his helped him.
这里没有错啊 , 就 a friend of his 是表示的他的其中一个朋友 , 是在句子中做主语 。

1)该对话应该是比较口语式的,所以语法就显的没那么按部就班啦.你可以理解为把Oh,who helped him其中的"who" 换成"a friend of his"就是啦."朋友帮助他"和"他得到信息"可以是2个独立的句子的.当然也可以是因果关系.
2)就此问题来说,不管怎么也只能选C.因为此选择题考的重点是how ,where what ,why使用的场景.不过楼主的钻牛角尖的精神还是...


1)该对话应该是比较口语式的,所以语法就显的没那么按部就班啦.你可以理解为把Oh,who helped him其中的"who" 换成"a friend of his"就是啦."朋友帮助他"和"他得到信息"可以是2个独立的句子的.当然也可以是因果关系.
2)就此问题来说,不管怎么也只能选C.因为此选择题考的重点是how ,where what ,why使用的场景.不过楼主的钻牛角尖的精神还是值得我们学习滴.呵呵


The man nodded his head ,______that he would finish it weather_____.A.promised;permittedB.promising;permittingC.promised;permitting D.promising;permitted 英语翻译你认为那个人是谁?Who ____ ____ ______ ______that man 怎么填啊 .--- Do you know the young man was charged ______shoplifting?---But I don't think he is guilty __.--- Do you know the young man was charged ______shoplifting?---But I don't think he is guilty ______that crime.A.for; of B.with,of C.of; with D.with,for 英语 我确信他昨天生病了 I_____ ______that he was ill yesterday. Sorry,he isn't in at this time.______that speaking?填单词 Sorr,he isn't in at this time.______that speaking?______ _______Mary. the policeman left the court,______that the young man was innocent.a.convincing b.convinced c.t...the policeman left the court,______that the young man was innocent.a.convincing b.convinced c.to convince d.convince选什么?翻译 He has made much progress,______that he is still young. A considered B considering2选1就行拉 The e-mail he sent to me ______that he knew nothing about the earthquake in japan.A.spoke B.suggested C.told D.found He is a yes-man. He tried to______the sick man. what a man he is He is a awesome man. 5.He has many different ways ______that work.A.to do B.doing C.does D.did我感觉是A呢the way to do ______that there will be another good harvest this autumn.A.He is said B.It is said C.It says D.It was said ---______that he managed to get the information?---Oh,a friend of his helped him.---______that he managed to get the information?---Oh,a friend of his helped him.A.Where was it B.What was it C.How was it D.Why was it ---______that he managed to get the information?184839574---______that he managed to get the information?---Oh,a friend of his helped him.A.Where was it B.What was it C.How was it D.Why was it 如果此题选C的话,怎么将强调句还原呢?我认 急!1、在邮局附近.(汉译英) It's ___ ____the post office.1、I often buy some things ______that shop near my house.2、That young man sells that watch _____ me .3、I have no money ______me.