
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 15:47:01


You are a busy all day work to care and life of the people?Whether you're busy with the work and forget the development interest,forgot to enjoy life.Then you should remember that such a few words:all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.
This means that,if a man all the efforts to busy with work,and not to entertainment,such as singing,dancing,chat.Then long-term so on easy to slow thinking,and not agile.So you should learn to set aside time for relaxation,in the busy work more active thinking,the open field of vision.
But on the other hand,must want to emphasize,too much entertainment is no good,it will make your life become loose,no goal and no achievement.So the important thing is to arrange time properly balance the relationship between work and play.
So try hard at work at the same time entertainment and enjoy life,you will find that you become smart and happy.


Are you man who are busy with working and have littly time for enjoying life? Do you busy all day and forget the development of interest and forget to enjoy life? Then you should remember this senten...


Are you man who are busy with working and have littly time for enjoying life? Do you busy all day and forget the development of interest and forget to enjoy life? Then you should remember this sentence: All work, no play makes jack a dull boy.
This sentence means that if a person busy all day long in work, rather than to entertain, such as: singing, dancing, chatting. so as time goes on, he will become slow thinking and not flexible. So you should leave some spare time to relax, make your brain active and broaden your horizons.
However, on the other hand, which I have to emphasize is: Too much entertainment is not good, it will make your life a little loose, no goal, no achievement. Therefore, it is important to arrange the time reasonably and balance the relationship between work and entertainment.
so try to work hard and entertain as well as enjoy the life at the meantime, you will find that you have become smart and happy.


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