
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:23:56


If there is one thing that can bring organizations,adjustments and changes to people's lives,I think most people will choose TV.It says on TV that cauliflower can provent cancer,then people all (start) eating cauliflowers; It says on TV that the air is fresh at western suburb,people all drive to western suburb.There's nobody more influencial than TV.


If there is one thing to bring to people's lives organization, mobilization and change,I think most people will select the TV.Television that eating cauliflower prevent cancer, people will all eat cau...


If there is one thing to bring to people's lives organization, mobilization and change,I think most people will select the TV.Television that eating cauliflower prevent cancer, people will all eat cauliflower;Television that the western suburbs of the air is good, people are all driving to the western suburbs.No one's prestige Higher than television.


If there is one thing that can bring organisation, change and revolution to human life, I think most people would probably choose television. When they say eating cauliflower can prevent cancer on tv,...


If there is one thing that can bring organisation, change and revolution to human life, I think most people would probably choose television. When they say eating cauliflower can prevent cancer on tv, people would all start to eat cauliflower.When they say the air in west outskirt of city is good on tv, people would all drive there. No one's prestige is comparable to that of a television.


If there do exist certain object which can bring organization,transfer and changes to people's life,in my opinion,most of them will elect the television.All people start to eat cauliflower as the tele...


If there do exist certain object which can bring organization,transfer and changes to people's life,in my opinion,most of them will elect the television.All people start to eat cauliflower as the television says for it can prevent them from the cancer.And all people drive to western suburb for its air feels good.Noone's prestige can contend against the one of the television.


英语翻译如果有一种东西能够给人们的生活带来组织,调动和改变,我想大部分人会推选电视.电视上说,吃菜花防癌,人们就统统吃菜花;电视上说西郊空气好,人都统统开车去西郊.没有任何人的 生活中能够二次利用的东西有哪些? 孔子的思想在今天人们的学习生活中能够给我们提供哪些指导 超市给人们提供很多东西英语翻译 英语翻译随着城市的发展,生活水平的提高,人们对生活质量有了高层次的理解.别墅生活使人们能够产生归宿感、依赖感,这种生活方式需要更贴近自然、有更多的户外活动的场地.本别墅设计 为什么食物能够给人们提供能量,让人活下去?人吃了点东西,就感觉有力气,很奇怪? 网络给人们生活带来的方便有哪些 新科技给人们生活带来的好处有哪些? 英语翻译要有一种“人们会自动忽略不想看到的东西”的意境在里面 英语翻译理想社会,就是天下是人们共有的.孤寡老人、留守儿童能够得到社会的关爱,男人女人能够有自己的工作,人们按自己的需要拿酬劳,不浪费粮食、财物,人们都能够过上安居乐业的生活. 有谁看过读者里的一篇文章,嫁给一种生活《嫁给一种生活》 科学家从鸟身上的启示发明了什么东西还有给人们在生活上有什么启示 (要从什么鸟,发明了什么,不要飞机) 人们生活中快速消耗品有哪些,谁能给最全的,男人女人都可以,用的,穿的,吃的,带的,是人用到的东西就OK,但是要消耗稍微快点的,数码的就不用了,比如丝袜,袜子,衣服,答案越多越好‘1、 生活中有什么东西能够腐蚀铜?常见的,一定要常见的 英语翻译翻译文本:如果说,东莞的繁华给人们带来了享受生活享受工作的美,是一种外在的美;那图书馆的宁静则给人们带来了精神上的美,是一种内在的美.东莞人在生活、工作之余,还可以 英语翻译:“如果方便的话,把我的东西给我” 英语翻译:英语俱乐部能够给学生提供练习口语的机会,丰富学生学校生活 卖东西给人们的英文