英语翻译Moreover,the overall examination time created severe pain problems.Motion artifacts and difficulties in reproducing the positioning between the sequences occurred regularly.This impaired the possibilities for analyzing the content of the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:25:20

英语翻译Moreover,the overall examination time created severe pain problems.Motion artifacts and difficulties in reproducing the positioning between the sequences occurred regularly.This impaired the possibilities for analyzing the content of the
Moreover,the overall examination time created severe pain problems.Motion artifacts and difficulties in reproducing the positioning between the sequences occurred regularly.This impaired the possibilities for analyzing the content of the spinal canal.In conclusion,although such techniques may increase the sensitivity of MR imaging for identification of lumbar nerve root compression,further studies are required before the true management value of the techniques can be determined.

英语翻译Moreover,the overall examination time created severe pain problems.Motion artifacts and difficulties in reproducing the positioning between the sequences occurred regularly.This impaired the possibilities for analyzing the content of the

英语翻译Moreover,the economically rational may not be politically feasible. 英语翻译Moreover,blame motivation fully mediated the effect of perceived intentionality on magnitude of perceived harm 英语翻译.Sorry,Miss Tao.Game ove. 英语翻译ove of his family,friend,grace and music. L ove is the greates refreshment in life . 英语翻译Moreover,even in the studiesdevoted specifically to SMEs,major differences inmethodology and construct operationalisation havemade the direct comparison of results difficult 英语翻译Moreover,in the modern age when human beings depend so much on machine,he had given men throughout the world new pride. 英语翻译The judicial power is reposed in the Supreme Judicial Court,which superintends the entire system of courts.Cities and towns also act through local governmental bodies that possess only the authority granted to them by the Commonwealth ove 英语翻译Moreover,the overall examination time created severe pain problems.Motion artifacts and difficulties in reproducing the positioning between the sequences occurred regularly.This impaired the possibilities for analyzing the content of the 英语翻译In addition,element V can make the solid solubility of carbon in austenite decrease,which increases the instability of austenite and make the Ms temperature rise,and further increase the tendency of martensite formation.Moreover,the morph 英语翻译In this experiment,the dependence of viscosity on shearrate and the sensitivity of temperature for TPVA melts inthe capillary flow were studied.Moreover,the melt spinningmethod was used to test the elongational flow properties ofTPVA.The 英语翻译However,as mentioned earlier,this systemcannot be used within a closed block,as the overhead cranecannot approach the inside of the closed block.Moreover,controllers are located at the outside of the open blocks,thusthere exists a number 英语翻译The hydrophobic lipid interior of the membrane acts as abarrier to the passage ofmany ions and largemolecules.Moreover,membrane integrity and the functionality ofintegral membrane proteins (for example the photosyntheticmachinery proteins 英语翻译The operating and maintenance personnel must be thoroughly acquainted with proper operationand applicable safety regulations right from the very beginning and maintain adherence thereto atall times,these regulations to take precedence ove 英语翻译While acknowledging that China has only a limited ability to sustain military operations at great distances,its armed forces have the potential to compete with the United States by fielding disruptive military technologies that could ove 英语翻译Moreover,schoolcampuses should be protected from over-commercialization.In spite of the fact that campus tours spur tourism and even bring funds ,to the university itself,the university should maintain its originality and the academic atm 英语翻译Thegenus Lactobacillus is the largest and,perhaps,the most important genus oflacticacid bacteria,representatives of which play a significant role in the humanandanimalgastrointestinal tract.Moreover,lactobacilli represent one of the major 英语翻译It isreasonabletosaythateverytee nagercanbeaffectedbypeer press ure (从众心理) at some point.Eve ryday,in any high school,peer pr essure has a major influence ove r the behavior of teenagers.Itcan beas subtle (微妙的) as being per