英语翻译Mary does not understand such sentences as"She is blue today.""You are yellow.""She has a green thumb."And"he tells a white lie."So she goes to her teacher for help.Mary:Mrs.Smith,there is a color in each of these sentences.What do they m

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 21:30:13

英语翻译Mary does not understand such sentences as"She is blue today.""You are yellow.""She has a green thumb."And"he tells a white lie."So she goes to her teacher for help.Mary:Mrs.Smith,there is a color in each of these sentences.What do they m
Mary does not understand such sentences as"She is blue today.""You are yellow.""She has a green thumb."And"he tells a white lie."So she goes to her teacher for help.
Mary:Mrs.Smith,there is a color in each of these sentences.What do they mean?
Mrs.Smith:In everyday English,May,blue sometimes means"sad",and yellow"afriaid".A person with a green thumb grows plants well.And a white lie is not a bad one.
Mary:Would you give me an example for a white lie?
Mrs.Smith:Certainly.Now I give you a cake.In fact,you don't like it,but you won't say so.Instead,you say,“No thanks,I'm not hungry."That's a white lie.
Mary:Oh,I see,Thank you very much.

英语翻译Mary does not understand such sentences as"She is blue today.""You are yellow.""She has a green thumb."And"he tells a white lie."So she goes to her teacher for help.Mary:Mrs.Smith,there is a color in each of these sentences.What do they m
玛丽当 “她今天是蓝色的 ,不了解如此的句子”你是黄色的.她有一只绿色的拇指.而且 他说一则白色的谎言 .“因此她为帮忙归于她的老师.
史密斯夫人:以每天的英语,五月,蓝色的有时意谓 “忧愁的 ”,和黄色的 “恐怕”.一个人用一只绿色的拇指把植物种植得很好.而且一则白色的谎言不是坏的.
史密斯夫人:无疑地.现在我给你一个蛋糕.事实上,你不喜欢它,但是你将不这么说..相反地 ,你说,"没有谢谢,我不饥饿."那是一则白色的谎言.




玛丽不明白这样的句子,因为"她是蓝的今天" , "你是黄色" , "她有一个绿色的拇指" , "他告诉白色谎言" ,让她去她的老师寻求帮助。
玛莉: mrs.smith ,有一种颜色,在每个这些sentences.what做的,他们指的是什么?
mrs.smith :在日常英语, 5月,蓝有时意味着"悲伤" ,而黄色的" afriaid "一个人一个绿色拇指长大植物well.a...


玛丽不明白这样的句子,因为"她是蓝的今天" , "你是黄色" , "她有一个绿色的拇指" , "他告诉白色谎言" ,让她去她的老师寻求帮助。
玛莉: mrs.smith ,有一种颜色,在每个这些sentences.what做的,他们指的是什么?
mrs.smith :在日常英语, 5月,蓝有时意味着"悲伤" ,而黄色的" afriaid "一个人一个绿色拇指长大植物well.and白色谎言是不是一件坏事。
mrs.smith : certainly.now ,我请你一个cake.in事实上,你不喜欢它,但你不会说so.instead ,你说, "不感谢,我就不会挨饿。 "这是一张白纸谎言。


玛莉不理解象"她今天忧郁"的这样的句子。 "你黄"。 "她有一只园艺技能"。 并且"他告诉一句白色的谎话"。 因此她求助于她的教师。 玛莉:Mrs.Smith,有一种颜色在这些sentences.What中的每个里他们意思是吗?
Mrs.Smith:在每天英语, 5月,蓝色有时的意思是"悲哀", 并且黄的"afriaid"有一只园艺技能的.A 人种植物well.And,一句白色的谎话不是坏...


玛莉不理解象"她今天忧郁"的这样的句子。 "你黄"。 "她有一只园艺技能"。 并且"他告诉一句白色的谎话"。 因此她求助于她的教师。 玛莉:Mrs.Smith,有一种颜色在这些sentences.What中的每个里他们意思是吗?
Mrs.Smith:在每天英语, 5月,蓝色有时的意思是"悲哀", 并且黄的"afriaid"有一只园艺技能的.A 人种植物well.And,一句白色的谎话不是坏的。 玛莉:将你给我例子因为白色谎话?
Mrs.Smith:Certainly.Now我给你一个cake.In事实, 你不喜欢它,但是你将不说so.Instead,你说,"没有感谢,我不饥饿"。 那是一句白色的谎话。 玛莉:噢,我明白了,非常感谢你。


Mary does not understand such sentences as"She is blue today.""You are yellow.""She has a green thumb."And"he tells a white lie."So she goes to her teacher for help.
Mary:Mrs.Smith,there is a col...


Mary does not understand such sentences as"She is blue today.""You are yellow.""She has a green thumb."And"he tells a white lie."So she goes to her teacher for help.
Mary:Mrs.Smith,there is a color in each of these sentences.What do they mean?
Mrs.Smith:In everyday English,May,blue sometimes means"sad",and yellow"afriaid".A person with a green thumb grows plants well.And a white lie is not a bad one.
Mary:Would you give me an example for a white lie?
Mrs.Smith:Certainly.Now I give you a cake.In fact,you don't like it, but you won't say so.Instead,you say,“No thanks,I'm not hungry."That's a white lie.
Mary:Oh,I see,Thank you very much.
玛丽不明白这样的句子,因为"她是蓝的今天" , "你是黄色" , "她有一个绿色的拇指" , "他告诉白色谎言" ,让她去她的老师寻求帮助。
玛莉: 史密斯太太,有一种颜色,在每个这些句子.做的什么,他们指的是什么?
史密斯太太 :在日常英语, 5月,蓝有时意味着"悲伤" ,而黄色的" 害怕 "一个人一个绿色拇指长大植物的井.和白色谎言是不是一件坏事。
史密斯太太 : 当然,现在 ,授予您蛋糕.事实上,你不喜欢它,但你不会说相反,你说, "不感谢,我就不会挨饿。 "这是一张白纸谎言。
