These figures are r

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These figures are r
These figures are r

These figures are r
The Secret to Sweet Weddings - Puerto Rico Bakers Who Specialize In Wedding Cakes
The Secret to Sweet Weddings - Puerto Rico Bakers Who Specialize In Wedding Cakes
Easily one of the top highlights in any wedding is the wedding cake.To have the perfect Puerto Rico wedding,air max,you'll want to know where you can have your cake baked and decorated into a masterpiece that's both a work of art and a gourmet creation.Masterpiece Cakes - Located along Roosevelt San Juan,Masterpiece Cakes is one of the best in the industry.Their regular flavors include vanilla,amaretto,lemon,almond,orange,and chocolate.Cookies & Cream de Vainilla,Cookies & Cream de Chocolate,Pi帽a Colada,Carrot Cake,Spices,Triple Chocolate,Marbled,nike air,Brandy,and Grand Marnier are among their premium flavors.They're very particular with detail,starting from the cake's design down to the stand.Cakeland - Found in Guaynabo,Cakeland is known for sculpting artistic and colorful fondant designs and chocolate moldings.Like most of the elite cake specialists,nike ltd,they don't have any standardized pricing for their wedding cakes.This is because they strive to make each cake unique and highly personalized.Because their services are in demand,you'll have to notify them 2 months before the event.Dulce Fantasia - These gourmet cake specialists based in San Juan are known for their minimalist but elegant designs.Picture a 3-layered design made up of 3 box-shaped immaculate-white pieces highlighted with edible baby blue and white buttons and separated with glass panels.Among their best creations is a 4-layer fondant formation made up of 4 cylindrical cakes piled in a pyramid fashion and draped with an extra-large gold,silver,and brown checkered ribbon.Jossi's Cakes - Jossimary,the owner,takes pride in having perfected ponque and its many variations.Ponque is a unique filling that makes use of walnuts,almonds,hazelnuts,as well as white and brown chocolate to produce a thin but richly flavored gourmet cake.Most of her mounts for weddings in Puerto Rico are made of silver brass and bronze.As with most modern weddings Puerto Rico baking specialists can use many delicious fillings and flavorings,and mold them into iconic figures.You can also request certain highlights such as latticework,strings,and petals.Other couples request for individualized pieces,also known as miniatures,so that each guest ends up with his own whole cake.However,if you want your Puerto Rico wedding cake truly Puerto Rican,nike air,have it baked in coconut,nike air max,rum,or pineapple flavor.
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and和 but但是 or或者,否则 nor也不 so因此,所以 therefore所以 yet可是,却,然而 however然而 for因为,由于 hence因此,由此 as well as不但,而且和...一样
not only…but also不但,而且 either…or不是...就是;要么...要么 neither…nor既不...也不... then那么 等等。


and和 but但是 or或者,否则 nor也不 so因此,所以 therefore所以 yet可是,却,然而 however然而 for因为,由于 hence因此,由此 as well as不但,而且和...一样
not only…but also不但,而且 either…or不是...就是;要么...要么 neither…nor既不...也不... then那么 等等。
but ,however,yet,although,on the contrary,while
,and, then, first second,or,not only...but also...,both...and...,neither...nor...
Justice is on your side. And justice will triumph over injustice. 正义在你们一边,而正义是会战胜非正义的。
2. neither... nor
She could neither speak the language nor write it. 这种语言她既不会说,也不会写。
3. both... and
A man should have both courage and perseverance.一个人既要有勇气又要有毅力。
4. not only... but also
We should not only be bold, but also be cautious. 我们不仅要大胆,而且要谨慎。
5. as well as
I have read one of his novels as well as a few of his plays. 我读过他的一本小说和几个剧本。
1. or
You may do it yourself, or ask someone else to do it. 你可以自己做或者让别人做。
2. either... or
I left it either on the table or in the drawer. 我不是把它放在桌子上了,就是放在抽屉里了。
除了表示选择外,or和either... or还可以表示否定的条件:
1) Now I must go or (if not) I shall be late for the party. 我现在得走了,否则晚会我就要迟到了。
2) You'll either behave yourself, or you'll never go out with me. 你要么老实点,要么就永远不能跟我一起出去。
1. but
He tried hard but he was unsuccessful. 他做了很大努力但没有成功。
2. yet
The car was old, yet it was in excellent condition. 这辆车子很旧,但仍处于良好的状态。
3. however
She felt ill. She went to work, however, and tried to concentrate. 她病了。然而她照旧去上班,并且尽力集中精神工作。
4. nevertheless
I don't know anything against that man; nevertheless I don't trust him. 我对那个人没有什么不良的看法,但我不能信赖他。
1. for
You'd better put on your sweater, for it's rather cold outside. 你最好把毛衣穿上,外边相当冷。
2. so
My sister is expecting me,so I must be off now. 姐姐在等我,因此我得走了。
3. therefore
You are right, therefore we should support you. 你是对的,所以我们应当支持你。
4. hence
I fell off my bike yesterday—hence the bruises. 我昨天骑自行车摔倒了——所以青一块、紫一块的。
1. when
There was prolonged applause when he began to speak. 他开始讲话时响起了经久不息的掌声。
2. while
We should strike while the iron is hot. 我们要趁热打铁。
3. as
As (When) he entered, the hall burst into thunderous applause. 当他进来时,全场发出雷鸣般的掌声。
4. after
After I visit Shanghai I'll travel up the Yangtze. 访问上海之后,我将溯长江而上。
5. before
It would be months before he was fit for the work. 要过好几个月他才能适应工作。
6. since
It is just a week since we arrived here. 我们到这里才一个星期。
7. until (till)
I shall stay here until (till) I've completed my studies. 我要在这里待到学习结束为止。
8. as soon as
As soon as he got well, he went back to work. 他病一好就回去上班了。
9. once
Once he said that, I knew he was lying. 他一说这话我就知道他在撒谎。
1. because
He failed because he was too careless. 因为他太粗心,所以失败了。
2. as
As it was already rather dark, we decided to stop at the temple for the night. 因为已经相当晚了,我们决定在庙里待一夜。
3. since
Since you don't want to go, we won't force you to. 既然你不愿意去,我们也不勉强你。
4. now that
Now that you are all back, we'd better start the work right away. 你们既然都回来了,我们最好马上就开始工作。
5. considering (that)
They did the job quite well considering (that) they had no experience. 考虑到他们没有什么经验,这项工作他们已经干得不错了。
6. seeing that
Seeing that (Since) nobody was very enthusiastic about it, they decided to cancel the trip. 由于都没有很高的热情,他们决定取消这次旅行。
1. if
If you can do it, so can I. 你要是能办到,我也能办到。
2. even if
We wouldn't lose heart even if we should fail ten times. 我们就是失败十次也不灰心。
3. unless
I won't go unless you want me to. 除非你要我去,否则我是不会去的。
4. in case
We'd better take our raincoats in case it should rain (rains). 我们最好把雨衣带着以防下雨。
5. provided /providing (that)
I'll come provided (providing) (that) you let me know in good time. 你要是及时通知我是会来的。
6. suppose/supposing (that)
Suppose (Supposing) (that) he won't agree, what shall we do? 假如他不同意,我们怎么办?
7. as (so) long as
You may use the room as long as you keep it clean. 只要保持清洁你可以用这个房间。
8. on condition (that)
I'll lend you the book on condition (that) you return it on Monday. 只要你能在星期一还我,这本书我就借给你。
1. although / though
Everybody worked with great enthusiasm although/though the weather was extremely cold. 虽然天气很冷,大家工作得非常起劲。
2. even if (though)
Even if I have to walk all the way I'll get there. 即使我得一路走着去,我也要去那里。
1. than
We have produced 20% more cotton this year than we did last year. 我们今年棉花产量比去年高百分之二十。
2. as (so)
He doesn't play half as well as his sister. 他演奏的水平不及他姐姐的一半。
1. lest
She explained again and again lest people should misunderstand her. 她一再解释唯恐人们误解。
2. so that
Speak clearly so that we may understand you. 讲话要清楚,以便我们能听明白。
3. in order that
He assigned us some books to read at home in order that (so that) we might have a deeper understanding of the subject. 他指定几本书给我们回家看,以便我们对这一主题有一个较深的了解。
1. so...that
She was so moved that tears came to her eyes. 她感动得热泪盈眶。
2. such...that
It was such a boring speech that I fell asleep. 演讲枯燥乏味,听得我都睡着了。
引导名词性从句的连词有三个:(1)that (本身无意义),(2)whether (or not),(3)if。例如:
That they will refuse the offer is unlikely. 他们不太可能会拒绝这个建议。
I don't know whether (=if) these figures are accurate. 我不知道这些数字是否精确。
需要注意的是:whether (or not) 可引导大部分名词性从句;if仅可引导宾语从句,而且不可跟or not。例如:
Whether (≠if) they will come or not won't make much difference. 他们来不来关系不大。
I wonder if (=whether) she has received our telegram. 我不知道她是否收到了我们的电报。


About Me:
Michael Joseph Jackson (Michael Joseph Jackson, 1958 8
29 -2009 6 25), is the world's popular culture symbolic of people
Things in the world have a very high visibility and gr...


About Me:
Michael Joseph Jackson (Michael Joseph Jackson, 1958 8
29 -2009 6 25), is the world's popular culture symbolic of people
Things in the world have a very high visibility and great influence, has been well
Popular King (King of Pop
He is a great music all-rounder, in the lyricist, composer, scene production, music and speech
Singing, dancing, playing musical instruments regarded as having a remarkable achievement, he and Elvis Presley, Phi
Beatles claimed the history of pop music's greatest symbol of immortality, and its success has been beyond the post -
两者. Long maintained his personal record number of countries and regions, sales records, have been
In many countries on many occasions by the world's heads of government of the high-profile hospitality, the United States Ronald Reagan,
George W. Bush, President Clinton invited him to enter three consecutive White House to be commended for their contribution.
He created the modern MV, single "Thriller" music video for the world's first modern MV, known in the history of "the greatest music video." Authoritative agency commented: If there is no MJ, the development of popular music for at least 20 years of delay, MV delay the emergence of at least 50 years. He holds the world's No. 1 selling album "Thriller", sold more than 110 million [4] Zhang, its genuine worldwide album sales of more than 873 million has already been loaded, "Guinness Book of World Records." He is a musical in the history of the first outside the United States sold 100 million records on the artist. His unique music, sound, singing, dance, inspire and motivate, including styles from pop, contemporary R & B, rock and hip-hop music, many artists, but also broke the cultural, racial barriers. In 2006, the Guinness Book of World Records issued a new certificate: The world's most successful artist in history! Personal life, Jackson's charity for many years into the fixed support 39 charities, known to contribute more than 300 million U.S. dollars, is the Guinness Book of World Records "Global maximum amount of contributions to charitable causes artists." These positive deeds, however, did not receive media attention, and anti-are ignored. Some bad news to a large extent caused by Michael irreparable mental and physical harm, and its image of a permanent and enormous misunderstanding and hurt.


1、These figures are rating double the figures from 1995.


The Popularity Of American Football
The Popularity Of American Football
The term “American football” refers to a type of game, not a regional sport. American football is enjoyed world-wide. Pr...


The Popularity Of American Football
The Popularity Of American Football
The term “American football” refers to a type of game, not a regional sport. American football is enjoyed world-wide. Professional American-style football leagues exist in Canada, Europe,GHD IV Styler, South America and Japan. NFL Europa is a organization operated by the US based National Football League. NFL Europa has teams in six German and Dutch cities. In Canada, there are 2 organizations, the Canadian Footbal Leage, a professional league, and Canadian University Spot, which is a network of nonprofessional University level teams.Both Canadian leagues play American style football but with some variations known as Canadian Rules. New Zealand, Mexico, Japan and several other countries have amateur football leagues. American style football is governed by the International Federation Of American Football (IFAF), which has over 45 affliates in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australasia. However,ghd IV Styler, the true moving force in american footbal is the NFL, or National Football Association.The NFL is the regulatory and organizational arm of football in the US. It makes and enforces rules for sportsmanship and drug use. When a player behaves overly aggressively during a game, misses practice sessions or becomes involved in extracurricular illegal activity,ghd, the NFL will impose a fine and/or suspend a player. The NFL bans recreational and steroid, or performance enhancing, drug use. It authorizes and conducts urine testing on its professional atheles.The NFL also decides yearly whether the rules of the game should be changed, and in what ways. Often the rules are done to make the game more interesting or more fair. Safety is another motivation behind rule change and the NFL tries to make this aggressive and even violent game as safe as possible by modifying the existing rules and the forms of protective equipment used. However, merchandising is also a factor and the NFL has advocated rule changes, such as a sponsor time out which is a pause in the play of the game,CHI Flat Iron, that are solely for the purpose of allowing the sponsor to show commercials.The NFL decides which cities can have a team and how many teams will make up the two franchises,ghd, The Amercan Football League and the National Football League, which originally was the only and prototypic league in American football. Fans have intese loyalties to these two franchises, which is capitalized upon in the yearly Superbowl. This game was established to play upon this rivalry and pits the AFL and NFL Champions against each other. This is held in February and is the single most watched event on American television. It is an event that begins weeks in advance with football interveiws, panels of sports figures who speculate on the game’s outcome, and bettiing oportunities. This hype grows over the weeks of playoff games and builds to a near frenzy by the time Superbowl Sunday arrives.The game is an all day event with ceremonies and a legendary half time, Las Vegas style, show that features top celebrities. For the multitudes watching at home, the Super Bowl is also augmented by the premeire screening of a collection of the most innovative and often humorous advertising blips. Because of the exposure and the terrific numbers of viewers, the competition to be one of the favored advertisers is nearly as hearty as the team competition to play in this game.American Football is sweeping the rest of the world and becoming a popular phenomenon in nearly every country. This growth in popularity is slower in countries that have established rugby or soccer francishes but American Football is rapidly becoming as popular as American fast food.
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我太喜欢大众Scirocco R-line了。。。可是进口的太贵。。。希望知道的朋友新款高尔夫,跟尚酷有点像 The Popularity Of American Football The

These figures are r ___________(根据)__ very rough estimate,these figures are untrustworthy.__________(根据)__ very rough estimate,these figures are untrustworthy.填based on 还是 according to ,为什么? These figures are based on the ___that the economy will continue to improveA preparation B impressionC foundationD expectation against these figures against是什么词性 figures 这些数字大约是1995年数字的两倍 These figures are the ones in 1995(中间两个空)怎么填啊 write these times in figures什么意思2这里的in是什么意思,figures是什么意思 These 什么 are for kids .r开头的 Are these Accounts must be interpreted or made clear for the benefit of interested parties.Ratio are used to show the relationship between figures,these figures are then compared with he previous year's figure.在这里interested parties又该怎么理解!show 英语翻译According to figures from the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics(统计) the average weekly income for a woman in 1983 was 260.For the same year men had average weekly earning of 393.For some people these figures are clear evidence that t 翻译:Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. Are these your trousers?Yes,these are, these are his shoes.( )are these ()? __(从…来看) these figures,our company is doing well. They are very persuasive negotiators and will throw a lot of impressive-sounding figures at you.翻impressive-sounding figures the figures are futher evidence ____chirden are more likely to bethe figures are futher evidence ____chirden are more likely to becomenear_sighteda.what bthat cthey d which Are these your