Kaplan的一道题The Kemp's Ridley turtle,long considered one of the most ___creatures of the sea,finally appears to be making some headway in its battle against extinction.A.elusive B.prevalent C.combative D.voracious E.imperiled正确答案是E,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 19:18:08

Kaplan的一道题The Kemp's Ridley turtle,long considered one of the most ___creatures of the sea,finally appears to be making some headway in its battle against extinction.A.elusive B.prevalent C.combative D.voracious E.imperiled正确答案是E,
The Kemp's Ridley turtle,long considered one of the most ___creatures of the sea,finally appears to be making some headway in its battle against extinction.
A.elusive B.prevalent C.combative D.voracious E.imperiled
正确答案是E,可是long considered 和finally 意味着填空处单词与making some headway in its battle against extinction 相反.与开展反对灭绝的战争相反的不应该是原来很普遍吗?

Kaplan的一道题The Kemp's Ridley turtle,long considered one of the most ___creatures of the sea,finally appears to be making some headway in its battle against extinction.A.elusive B.prevalent C.combative D.voracious E.imperiled正确答案是E,
making some headway in sth.在某方面有所进展
its battle against extinction 它与濒临灭绝这一状况之间的斗争
making some headway in its battle against extinction. 在它与濒临灭绝这一状况之间的斗争中,取得了进展,那就是情况有所好转,不再像以前那样形势严峻了,也就是现在没有那么的濒临灭绝了. 那么前面就是与之对应的,比较危险的,情况比较严峻的 imperiled

Kaplan的一道题The Kemp's Ridley turtle,long considered one of the most ___creatures of the sea,finally appears to be making some headway in its battle against extinction.A.elusive B.prevalent C.combative D.voracious E.imperiled正确答案是E, GRE模考Kaplan第4套的一道六选二填空题.The performers walking the tightrope high above the ground were,unlike most people,well-accustomed to the ____ balancing act necessitated by their job.A.plucky.B.wearying.C.dizzying.D.giddy.E.nauseati 什么是kaplan's hypothesis语言学里的知识,我不懂,请教大家了 sat Kaplan上的一道语法题Because of their identical appearance and dress,the twins were often mistaken for each other,but Mary had the more vivacious personality.我想问一下后半句的“the more vivacious”是比较的什么用法呀?不 英语翻译01.Greensleeves02.Kemp's Jig03.Packington's Pound04.Watkin's Ale05.Lachrimae Pavan06.The Frogg Galliard07.Toccata08.Corrente09.Volta10.Fantasie11.Ciacona12.Chaconne13.Introduction & Var.on 'Malborough s'en va t'en guerre' SAT的OG是不是比真题容易?KAPLAN的难度又如何?如题 托福:Longman,kaplan 和barron,以及delta的题,应该在什么复习阶段用? 请问sat kaplan oc og 和真题先做哪个?请问sat kaplan oc og 和真题对了还有princeton先做哪个?单词背差不多了,没做过sat题,还有一个多月的时间从哪个入手?是不是先用kaplan练练阅读(听说很容易)再 请问TOEFL模考题中,BARRON,KAPLAN,LONGMAN,PRINCETON这几样中难度排序是什么样的?还有蓝红DELTA'S it's/same/the/color/as/of/flag/the/the/U.S.连词成句这是一道连词成句的题 GMAT OG13-SC-133 句子改错 Last week local shrimpers held a news conference to take some credit for the resurgence of the rare Kemp's ridley turtle,saying that their compliance with laws 【requiring that turtle-excluder devices be on shrimp nets 求lsat真题RT,主要是要03年以后的,最好是带kaplan的答案,如果是08,09年的那就更好了! VOA中一句话的理解He是一个作家,写的书关于Toyota Production System(TPS)和美国一医院将其改良运用.Kaplan是医院的CEO.He write one of the first Toyota concepts Kaplan instituted was value stream mapping,which……… Barron 托福听力那个Barron的听力我觉得好难啊,真题跟它难度近不近啊?怎么比OG的长那么多我还有kaplan,那个难度呢? 新GRE的kaplan 模考软件中作文是官方题库里的吗 为什么我都找不到原题. 求TOEFL模考软件最新版 KAPLAN、LONGMAN、Barron’s 邮箱eager4@163.com SAT的题是多做些好,还是一套题多做几遍?比如除了做OG OC真题,有没有必要做kaplan或princeton?感觉题不够做= = 一道初一的英语填空题……Complet the pen pal’s letter ( ) the information ( ) the card.