吃西餐是的六个M 英文版就是这个的英文版~英语角的时候要用 谢谢了1.“Menu”(菜谱) 当您走进咖啡馆或西餐馆时,服务员会先领您入座,待您坐好后,首先送上来的便是菜谱.菜谱被视为餐馆

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 00:17:28

吃西餐是的六个M 英文版就是这个的英文版~英语角的时候要用 谢谢了1.“Menu”(菜谱) 当您走进咖啡馆或西餐馆时,服务员会先领您入座,待您坐好后,首先送上来的便是菜谱.菜谱被视为餐馆
吃西餐是的六个M 英文版
就是这个的英文版~英语角的时候要用 谢谢了
当您走进咖啡馆或西餐馆时,服务员会先领您入座,待您坐好后,首先送上来的便是菜谱.菜谱被视为餐馆的门面,老板也一向重视,采用最好的材料做菜谱的封面,有的甚至用软羊皮打上各种美丽的花纹,显得格外典雅精致. 如何点好菜?这里介绍一点经验之谈,那就是打开菜谱后,看哪道菜是以店名命名的,这道菜可千万不要错过.因为那家餐馆是不会拿自己店的名誉来开玩笑的,所以他们下功夫做出的菜,肯定会好吃的,这道“招牌菜”大家一定要点. 另外要特别说明的一点是,不要以吃中餐的习惯来对待西餐的点菜问题:即不要对菜谱置之不理、不要让服务员为你点菜.在法国,就是戴高乐、德斯坦总统吃西餐也得看菜谱点菜的.因为看菜谱、点菜已成了吃西餐的一个必不可少的程序,是一种优雅生活方式的表现.
这一点指的是“吃相”和“吃态”.既然是吃西餐就应遵循西方的习俗,勿有唐突之举,特别是在手拿刀叉时,若手舞足蹈,就会“失态”. 刀叉的拿法一定要正确:应是右手持刀,左手拿叉.用刀将食物切成小块,然后用叉送入口内.一般来讲,欧洲人使用刀叉时不换手,一直用左手持叉将食物送入口内.美国人则是切好后,把刀放下,右手持叉将食物送入口中.但无论何时,刀是绝不能送物入口的.西餐宴会,主人都会安排男女相邻而坐,讲究“女士优先”的西方绅士,都会表现出对女士的殷勤.

吃西餐是的六个M 英文版就是这个的英文版~英语角的时候要用 谢谢了1.“Menu”(菜谱) 当您走进咖啡馆或西餐馆时,服务员会先领您入座,待您坐好后,首先送上来的便是菜谱.菜谱被视为餐馆
When you step into a café or a restaurant,the waiter will lead you to get seated,and the menu well be served immediately.The menu itself is very important since it stands for the quality of the service and thus the owner of the restaurant will give full attention to it.Best materials will be used for the cover of the menu,and even soft sheepskin with decorative designs will be adopted to make it more elegant and appealing.How to order a dish?Here is some advice:after opening the menu,looking for the dish named after the restaurant,which should in no case be missed,because restaurants will take their fame seriously.So the recommended specialty must be of the best flavor.However,don’t consider ordering west food in Chinese way:Neither should you ignore the menu,nor letting waiters order for you.In France,even President De Gaulle and d'Estaing ordered meals regarding to the menu.It is because reading the menu and ordering afterwards is the essential process to enjoying west food and is also a sign of refined life style.
Bands will play some soft music in a luxurious western-style restaurant.While melodies will be played even in some ordinary ones.But the sound of music should only be “heard”.That is,sound should seem to be heard and not loud.When you concentrate on talking with a friend,you can’t hear the music,when you relax,you can hear it.The sound should be controlled appropriately.
When enjoying west food,harmonious atmosphere and friendly environment are rather important.There should be soft music、neat tables as well as clean dining utensils.And dark lights、red candles on the tables for a romantic and attractive atmosphere if dinners are served.
There are options when choosing the partners for dinner.Good friends and relatives or people with same interests are best choices.Communication is the main purpose for dinner together,so avoid talking about business affairs.And that’s the reason why we seldom see an argument in a restaurant,but warm talk instead.
This means “table manner”.Always keep in mind that “Do in Rome as Rome does”.Don’t’ be rude.You will lose your manner if you have big movements with knife and fork in your hands.Remember:knife in right hand,and fork in left.Cut the food into small pieces and put it in your mouth with fork.Generally speaking,Europeans don’t change hands with knife and fork.They use fork in the left hand for food.While Americans often use forks in their right hands for food after cutting.But in no circumstance should knife be put into mouth.In a western style banquet,the hosts will arrange a man sitting next to a woman,so the gentlemen who follow “lady first” principles will serve those ladies during the meal.
An American gastronomist once said:“Japanese eating visually,they believe the appearance of the meal is very significant.When eating west food,we smell,because we have big noses.And you Chinese!You know the importance of the tongue.” Chinese food centers “flavor”,while west food focuses on “nutrition”,thus there is no comparison between these two kinds.
