The graph of f(x)=a*x^b+2 passes through P(1|1) and Q(2|-2) . Find f(x). 高三党看不懂,求解答过程.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/26 04:26:25

The graph of f(x)=a*x^b+2 passes through P(1|1) and Q(2|-2) . Find f(x). 高三党看不懂,求解答过程.
The graph of f(x)=a*x^b+2 passes through P(1|1) and Q(2|-2) . Find f(x). 高三党看不懂,求解答过程.

The graph of f(x)=a*x^b+2 passes through P(1|1) and Q(2|-2) . Find f(x). 高三党看不懂,求解答过程.
由题意-2=a*2^b+2 1=a+2 解得a=-1,b=2 f(x)=-x^2+2

a.Explain what you would need to do the graph of the y=f(x) to graph the function y=-2f[(x+3)]-4b.Graph the functon in part (a) f(X)=x^2 A portion of the graph of the function f is shown in the xy-plane above. What is the y-intercept ofthe graph of the function g defined by g(x)=f(x)+1? The graph of ( ) = × + 2 b f x a x passes through P (1|1) and Q (2|-2). The graph of f(x)=a*x^b+2 passes through P(1|1) and Q(2|-2) . Find f(x). 高三党看不懂,求解答过程. Find the equation of line tangent to the graph of f(x)=e+ln x at x=1? 画出函数f(x)=[x]+[-x]的图像 (graph the function)The graph contains horizontal segments,but is not a horizontal line. 英语翻译Given is the function f(x)=ln2(x-4)Find the equation of the normal in point A with x-coordinate 6.point A is on the graph of f. A function is defined by th equation d(x)=5(x-3)^2+11,list the transformation to the graph of f(x)=x^2 to get d(x)2,state the domain and range of d(x)3graph the function d(x)我不知道怎么画图.有时间的话麻烦解释一下 二,A football ki .我看不懂 A function is defined by th equation d(x)=5(x-3)^2+11,list the transformation to the graph of f(x)=x^2 to get d(x)2,state the domain and range of d(x)3graph the function d(x)我不知道怎么画图...有时间的话麻烦解释一下 1.Given is the function f(x) =根号下(5x + 4)Calculate the equation of the normal on the graph of f in point Awith x-coordinate 9是让求当x=9时的函数值吗?)2.Given is the function f(x) =2^2x-1 Df = [-1,2]a.Draw the graph of f:The mirr Assume f is a differentiable function whose graph passes through the point (1,4).If g(x) = f(x^2) and the tangent line to the graph of f at (1,4) is y=3x+1,determine g'(x)? 一道微积分题A baker is creating a birthday cake.The base of the cake is the region R in the first quadrant under the graph of y=f(x) for 0 The highest point on the graph of y=f(x) is (-1,6).What is the highest point on the graph ofy=4 f(x-3)+5 thanks! Find an equation of the tangent line to the graph of the function f(x) = 8/(√x^2+3x) at the point (1,4) 1.Find a sequence of transformations which transforms the graph of y=loge (x) (以e为底x的对数)to the graph of y=-2loge (2-x) (打不出来和上边一样 见谅).2.Sketch the graph of y=-2loge (2-x)3.Solve the equation -2loge (2-x)=10 for x let f be the function that is given by f(x)=(ax+b)/(x^2-c) and that has the following properties:1) the graph of f is symmetric with respect to the y-axis2)lim x-> 2+ f(x)=+00(正无穷)3)f(1)=-2a)determine the values of a,b,cb)write an equatio find an equation for a line that is normal to the graph of y = xe^x and goes 一道数学数学题目(英文的)是关于导函数的!1.Sketch a graph of the exponential function g(x)=5^x.Then use the derivative formulaf'(x) = lim f'(x)=lim [f(x+h)-f(x)]/h to estimate f'(5),f'(0),and f'(10)(this can be done using the table