在盘子上 是on the plate 还是in the plate?为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:12:39

在盘子上 是on the plate 还是in the plate?为什么
在盘子上 是on the plate 还是in the plate?为什么

在盘子上 是on the plate 还是in the plate?为什么
个人觉得要分的,比如食物在盘子里 可以说food in the plate.但把刀叉放在盘子上,则可以用put the knife and fork on the plate

in the plate 刀叉应该是on the left/right of the plate

在盘子上 是on the plate 还是in the plate?为什么 食物在盘子里是in the plate 还是 on the plate? 求甚解,望知情人入. 勺子在盘子里是in the plate 还是 on the plate? 根据图填空The man is ______ the plate on his finger.(图上画的是一个男的在用手指顶一个盘子) on your 是on your plate还是in the plate She doesn't like the____(chicken)on the plate(盘子). 英文中是 at the plate 还是 in the plate或者 on the plate The boy___ ___on the man's shouler.这个男孩把脚放在男士的肩上.The girl___ ___on the woman's knee.这个女孩坐在女士的膝盖上.The man___ ___the plate on his finger.这个男士把盘子放在他的手指上.The girl___ __ in the plate和on the plate是in 还是on There are some cheese on the plate 这句错在哪里? on the plate怎么解释 the plate is just ____my catch 怎么填 意思是这个盘子我差一点就够到了 汉译英题.(There be句型传练)盘子上没有一些小刀.There__________ __________ __________on the plate.在吉姆的书包里有一些卡片.__________ __________some cards in Jim‘s bag.冰箱里还有一些吃的吗?__________ _______ He can`t have been _____ hungry because he didn`t touch the bread on the plate.此句是否有歧义?A.a little B.a bit C.a bit of D.a little of我认为,因为他没有动盘子里的面包,所以他很饿.也可以是,因为他没有动盘子里的 做在椅子上是 还sit on the chair 还是sit on the chair is there a dirty fork on the plate?这句的主语是a dirty fork还是the plate The apples on the plate are H______delicious the beef on the plate is