这句语法中需要加“for”吗?我在哪儿可以支付机场税?where can I pay for the airport tax?Where can I pay the airport tax?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:51:02

这句语法中需要加“for”吗?我在哪儿可以支付机场税?where can I pay for the airport tax?Where can I pay the airport tax?
where can I pay for the airport tax?
Where can I pay the airport tax?

这句语法中需要加“for”吗?我在哪儿可以支付机场税?where can I pay for the airport tax?Where can I pay the airport tax?
Where can I pay the airport tax?是正确的.
pay for ...付钱买...后面加所买的物.例如
How much did you pay for the computer?

  • 不需要。

不需要加,for后面是跟东西的,比如pay 5 yuan for the book(花5元买这本书)


不需要 第二句是对的

这句语法中需要加“for”吗?我在哪儿可以支付机场税?where can I pay for the airport tax?Where can I pay the airport tax? for连接两句句子,需要加逗号吗 In the first place,creating a green campus is good for our health.这句话中,creat的用法对吗?需要加ing吗?为什么?请讲解一下语法, For anyone coming from out of town.本句中,急For anyone coming from out of town.本句中,可变为 For anyone who is coming from out of town吗?若不能 为什么,这句话语法上怎么理解 急 改错 I am strongly for the activity.为什么是对的?be动词后面不是加形容词,名词或者时间副词吗?请给我详细的分析吧,因为语法书上也找不到答案.在改错中:原句为I am strong for the activity.然后答案 how can i improve my english to study english?这句这样说对吗?语法正确吗?这句话大家帮我分析下有没有错哈?english这一名词前如果我不用my的情况下需要加冠词the吗?这句话语法正确吗?怎么样说更好?谢 give up中代词应加在哪儿 翻译:make up for all mine 弥补我的所有 这句语法对吗? 帮我看一下这句英文,语法上有没有错the possibility is small for me to rent the furnished house.这句语法有错么? The bag is just 5 dollars此句中just后需要加for吗?那么考试选择题中有“FOR和”不填“两个选项,应该怎么选? 初一英文语法lt is time+( )+breakfastlt is time+( )+scholl语法到底是加什么?我看其他的说法有很多像什么疑问句中和普通句中那顺便再问一下有没有加for的啊 英语翻译I am a boy,but you only a girl.这是我翻译的,语法上有错吗?you后面还需要加are吗? He is cooking for his dinner.这句语法正确吗 I pray for you good girl never got hurt again 这句英文符合语法吗? 祝大家新年快乐的英语.Way everybody is happy for new year!对妈?没有,我是说就我的这句行不行?有语法错吗? I will wating for you这句语法对吗? thank you for helping my family语法对吗?用英语有几种说法?请例举出来.thanks for your help to my fmily 这句语法正确吗? wait (for) sb./sth.(for) +时间段中哪个for需要,哪个不需要?还是都可以?似乎都可以,可我查不到确定的答案