
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 14:43:26


Inverting Translation Memories
If you have a bilingual translation memory,you may want to use it in the opposite language direction.This is easily done using the Export and Import functions.
Note:The procedure outlined below involves the creation of a new translation memory in Translator’s Workbench and is valid for file-based translation memories only.You cannot create a server-based translation memory in Translator’s Workbench.
To invert a translation memory:
Open the translation memory you want to invert in in exclusive access mode.
Use the Export command on the File menu to export the translation memory to an external text file.
Create a new translation memory using the New command on the File menu.The language direction should be the opposite to that of the exported translation memory.You can also open an existing translation memory in which the language direction is opposite to that of the exported translation memory.
Use the Import command on the File menu to re-import the exported text file created under step 2.Translator's Workbench automatically assigns the translation units in the inverted order.After the import,you have a new translation memory with the opposite language direction.

怎样把trados中EN-CN的词料库转换成CN-EN,难道要用winalign重新对一遍吗?有没有更快的办法? 请问怎样在TRADOS记忆库里修改译文?请问,如用trados做了翻译,如果某个时间发现译文不理想,怎样随时在trados记忆库中修改译文.在Trados中打开库,File>maintenance,搜索到你要改的那条翻译,点击最 trados怎样充实术语库 office2013前的字母cn,en,ct,哪个好 如图,三角形ABC中,角CAB=角CBA=45度,CA=CB,点E为BC的中点,CN垂直AE交AB于N,连EN,求证:AE=CN+EN(无图勿问) 如图,三角形ABC中,角CAB=角CBA=45度,CA=CB,点E为BC的中点,CN垂直AE交AB于N,连EN,求证:AE=CN+EN 如图,在△ABC中,∠CAB=∠CBA=45°,CA=CB,点E为BC的中点,CN⊥AE交AB于N,连EN,求证:AE=CN+EN. 如图,三角形ABC中,角CAB=角CBA=45度,CA=CB,点E为BC的中点,CN垂直AE交AB于N,连EN,求证:AE=CN+EN 如图,三角形ABC中,角CAB=角CBA=45度,CA=CB,点E为BC的中点,CN垂直AE交AB于N,连EN,求证:AE=CN+EN trados翻译后怎样保留中文 英汉翻译软件中trados和dreye都比较有名,请问他们各自的长处与短处? CN和EN什么意思 如图,在△ABC中,∠CAB=∠CBA=45°,CA=CB,点E为BC的中点,CN⊥AE交AB于N,连EN,求证:AE=CN+EN.另外如图,虚线为辅助线(我自己添的),在AE上截取AF=CN,连接CF. 怎样把SCN-变为CN-? 比例和相似三角形在□ABCD中,M、N、P分别是AB、AD、AN的中点,求EN:CN上传图了,E在四边形外 请教Trados 8.0和Trados 2009的问题有谁了解,1.Trados 8.0 的商业名称是什么?2.Trados 2009 的什么功能或厂家的卖点? 用trados翻译结束后怎样留下原文本文字?用trados翻译过的文字都会变成隐藏文字,而且打印时就不显示了.怎样能让这些文字显示出来? 已知:如图,平行四边形ABCD中,CN=AM,AE=CF.求证:EN∥MF.