
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 22:10:22


Today,I want to introduce a woman.She is a Chinese TV star and famous for acting as a policewoman.I believe that if I say the name of that TV series,which has been broadcast for more that 3000 times in China,some of you can say about the name of her in it without consideration,but I have to admit that few of you guys know the true name of her.Ok,the name of that TV series is called Zhong An Liu Zu,and she played Ji Jie.Now who can tell me what her true name is?She is Wang Qian,who is not only my idol,but also looks like my sister.
Wang Qian is not quite good-looking among so many stars and isn’t young any more.In fact,all aspects I mentioned above can never attract people forever.She must have something special to move me.Here I want to talk about her experience in brief,for it is so long to tell if includes all affairs.
Wang Qian studied science in her high school following her mother’s mind and wanted to be a doctor as what most of her families did at that time.Unfortunately,her mother got a serious illness that endangered her life when Wang Qian is in her last year in high school.What she could do is to take care of her mother and only by this way can his father looked after her younger brother.She has to share the burden of raising her family.It is not hard to imagine that she lost in the university entrance exam and majored in energy project that she dislikes.However,there was no doubt that she could enter the ideal college and being a doctor in the future.Think about ourselves,what is your choice if you confront with that situation.Please remember you are only 17 or 18 years old,the most beautiful age of your whole life.Forgot to say,her mother recovered in the end.
By coincidence,during the time Wang Qian went to Beijing for traveling.She went off the bus by mistake where Beijing Film Academy was enrolling new students.Fostering an idea of just for fun,she had a try without preparations.After passing three tests,she stood out among numerous people who have studied in this field for a long time and be one of the four girls being admitted in the whole nation.I have to mention that she has been a junior student in her original university.There was only one year left before she could get her diploma.It is quite clear that she gave it up and started her new life in Beijing.
As most of stars experienced in their early career,Wang Qian felt confused about her future after graduation.She was just satisfied with supporting herself before her father had cerebral hemorrhage.
She picked her family to Beijing to accompany with them.She felt over sad and even guilty of her father’s death for not chatting with him everyday.Everyone who knows her understands that she has done a lot for him,which many people fail to.It was during that time that she was misunderstood because of a litter girl who got leukemia.Many people consider her to be cold to fans,for she didn’t go to see her in hospital.We are cautious to mention it until the hidden truth was said out in a TV show.According to local custom,within the day of mourning,people can’t go to the hospital,but she went to a mountain to ask for a lucky card for that little girl,and near to fall off the cliff when was told the little girl just said goodbye to this world.No law says stars have to call on their fans,but Wang Qian did more than that.There was no spotlight and journalist,which was unlike some famous stars.
Once in Hong Kong,she has left the position to host because she was tired of the lifestyle following the same pattern and went back to Beijing.In the year of 2001,her career took off after the broadcast of Zhong An Liu Zu.By the way,she will go on acting this year.Besides of this TV series,most of her plays can be seen in America.
She went to the US alone to learn English,which told me through her personal action that it is never too old to learn.I admire her dare to begin a new field of study life and career.Up to now,she has experienced many different roles besides an actress,such as s cross talker,a movie producer,and a hostess and so on.
Her courage to welcome a new life and listen to the voice of heart encourages me; her filial piety moves me; her sincere emotion to everyone expresses me; her calm when was misunderstood enlightens me; her frank and outspoken character inspires me.I admit that for any quality of her,there is someone acting better that her,but in terms of her whole qualities,few people have.
I am not a person who knows many stars,even universally famous ones.I believe that except my parents,she is the only one person who told me so much and whether we can learn something is the standard and the meaning of having an idol.