>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 找出错误的文法或单词 (帮我改正确)>< (不是要翻译喔)以下Mr.singular was a man of habit.He liked things to be same each and every day.This way he knew what to expected.He ate his suppe

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:41:57

>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 找出错误的文法或单词 (帮我改正确)>< (不是要翻译喔)以下Mr.singular was a man of habit.He liked things to be same each and every day.This way he knew what to expected.He ate his suppe
>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 找出错误的文法或单词 (帮我改正确)
>< (不是要翻译喔)
Mr.singular was a man of habit.He liked things to be same each and every day.
This way he knew what to expected.He ate his supper at the same time each day,visit his mother each Sunday ,and clean his house on Fridays after the work week ended.
One of Mr.singular’s favorite habits was to walk to work.Each day he wake up a little earlier than necessary so he could walk threw the park on his way to work.Halfway through he would stop at the same park bench sit and read his morning paper and eat his muffin.
Now the other important thing to know about Mr.singular was that he was a very loneley man.You see other than his mother Mr.singular had know other family or friends he could visit.You mite be wandering why this was so but the simple fact was that Mr.singular just did’nt feel comforteable around people.He tried joining a stamp club but felt akwerd around all them others,who knew so much more then him,he tried writing pen pal letters but did’nt know what to say.So family Mr.singular gave up trying and instead just wished for a friend.
His dayly path to work remeinded him how lonely was he.He past the small pond and wished he had someone to go fishing with ,he walked by the baseball feild and wished he had some to play ball with he passed the man who fed the birds each day and wished he had a friend to share things with ,and he saw people chatting at the bus stop and wished he had someone to talk too.

>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 找出错误的文法或单词 (帮我改正确)>< (不是要翻译喔)以下Mr.singular was a man of habit.He liked things to be same each and every day.This way he knew what to expected.He ate his suppe
Mr.Singular was a man of habit.He liked things to be the same each and every day.
This way he knew what to expect.He ate his supper at the same time each day,visited his mother each Sunday,and cleaned his house on the weekend after work.
One of Mr.Singular’s favorite habits was to walk to work.Each day he woke up a little earlier than necessary so he could walk threw the park on his way to work.Halfway through he would stop at the same park bench,sit down,read his morning paper and eat his muffin.
Now the other important thing to know about Mr.Singular was that he was a very lonely man.You see other than his mother Mr.Singular had no other family or friends he could visit.You might be wondering why this was so but the simple fact was that Mr.Singular just didn’t feel comfortable around people.He tried joining a stamp club but felt awkward around all others,who knew so much more than him.He tried writing pen pal letters but didn’t know what to say.So finally Mr.Singular gave up trying and instead just wished for a friend.
His daily path to work reminded him how lonely he was.He passed the small pond and wished he had someone to go fishing with; he walked by the baseball feild and wished he had someone to play ball with; he passed the man who fed the birds each day and wished he had a friend to share things with; and he saw people chatting at the bus stop and wished he had someone to talk to.

找出文章的错误文法或单词!>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 找出错误的文法或单词 (帮我改正确)>< (不是要翻译喔)以下Mr.singular was a man of habit.He liked things to be same each and every day.This way he k 找出文章的错误和标上标点符号!>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 标下标点符号 (逗号 或句号 等等的)还有找出错误的字 >< (不是要翻译喔)以下Once upun a time in a land far far away they’re lived a ki 找出文章的错误和标上标点符号!>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 标下标点符号 (逗号 或句号 等等的)还有找出错误的字 >< (不是要翻译喔)以下Once upun a time in a land far far away they’re lived a ki >< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 找出错误的文法或单词 (帮我改正确)>< (不是要翻译喔)以下Mr.singular was a man of habit.He liked things to be same each and every day.This way he knew what to expected.He ate his suppe 高数高数啊,微积分定理的题,有没有人帮帮我, 我不知道如何写硕士论文,有没有人可以帮帮我呢?有代写的吗? 世界上有没有人可以帮我 有没有英语日记 70字左右 十篇我想要70字左右的英语日记十篇,有没有人可以帮帮啊? 731是什么意思?有人可以帮帮我吗. 有没有人知道,读哪文章可以提高文采我都上高三了,作文还是一棵枯树.想找一些有文采的文章读 英语summarize总结怎么写?高手帮帮忙!急`!有没有人能帮帮我啊?告诉我下 对话形式的英语文章的总结该怎么写啊?谢谢答得好我会追加的 英语翻译我想要这个,有没有人可以帮我, 请问谁有《广东学导练七年级上册地理》的试卷和答案?我的《广东学导练七年级上册地理》里面的试卷和答案一整本都丢了,没有试卷可以写啊.有没有人可以帮帮我,把《广东学导练七年级上 写一篇议论文,并且找出论点论据,急~~!帮帮我!找一篇议论文,并且有找出论点论据~~!帮帮我·!谢谢了·!不管是什么内容的都可以,只要能帮我找出论点论据就行哦。谢谢 补磷的食物有哪些我缺磷,希望有人可以帮帮我 有没有人可以做? 有没有人可以帮我翻译英语啊 有没有人可以回答我?送好评💦