She volunteered to help me with my computer s_______ 首字母填空

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 05:16:11

She volunteered to help me with my computer s_______ 首字母填空
She volunteered to help me with my computer s_______ 首字母填空

She volunteered to help me with my computer s_______ 首字母填空
答案:She volunteered to help me with my computer _ skill__.


study, science

She volunteered to help me with my computer skills / science
计算机技术 / 科学

She volunteered to help me with my computer s_______ 首字母填空 选择题She volunteered to take care of _______ wounded and _______ dying1 the, /2 the, the3 /, the4 /, /谢谢 Some students from Grade 9 volunteered to do some cleaning for the old.把 volunteered to;cleaning 换成 volunteered to;clean行吗? she should _______(决定) what to do with it.i ashe should _______(决定) what to do with it. i asked if ________(任何人)would help me,but no one volunteered. 这两个句子为什么要用过去完成时?Soon after he volunteered for military service,he had received a book from this woman.For thirteen months,she had faithfully written to him. 一段英语短文翻译---在线等--高手进Finally, Susan felt ready to return to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus. but she was now too frightened to get around the city by herself. Mark volunteered to fide the bu Tom volunteered _______the ducks for the familyA looking after B to look after C looks after ____(move) by her speech,many people volunteered to help orphan 分析英语语法i volunteered to go undercover to get close to him中的 to go undercover 做什么成分 She has a kind h--------- and she always she offers help to people in trouble. we volunteered to collect money to help the ___of the earthquake.victims folks fellows villagers为什么选. 请翻译下面句子According to a survey, people over 60 who volunteered two toAccording to a survey, people over 60 who volunteered two to three hours a week had better health than non-volunteers. She's going to (h ) a party on Saturday. she doesn't want to h( )breakfast. 作一篇英语阅读Last weekend,my kids along whit a few other kids from the neighborhood volunteered to help me wash my car.My 10-year old daughter came up with the idea of washing other people's cars as well.It was pretty hot outside.She further Cathy volunteered ___ there instead of home.A go go Cfor going Din going为什么谢谢 Meanwhile,a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts.在本句中have volunteered是不是现在完成时?如果是,为什么要在这儿用,而不用原型或过去式?表达了了现在完成时中哪个 She felt ill.She wants to work,h---------,and stayed up late.