Politeness costs nothing but wins everything.翻译成谚语

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Politeness costs nothing but wins everything.翻译成谚语
Politeness costs nothing but wins everything.翻译成谚语

Politeness costs nothing but wins everything.翻译成谚语
直译: 礼貌不费分文而可赢得一切.
谚语: 彬彬有礼,惠而不费
谚语: 和气生财
p.s. Hey, friends up there. What does this idiom teach us? Politeness costs nothing but wins everything.



nothing but :只是,仅仅
  懒的和楼下的一般见识,还说不会吹牛,吹的比什么还不如,你才是北京的考生呢,连狗屎一堆都不如,本人堂堂正正的浙江考生,才不像你呢,吹牛都吹到国外去了,my god!


nothing but :只是,仅仅
  懒的和楼下的一般见识,还说不会吹牛,吹的比什么还不如,你才是北京的考生呢,连狗屎一堆都不如,本人堂堂正正的浙江考生,才不像你呢,吹牛都吹到国外去了,my god!


TO:TIRE同学,nothing but 的确是“只是,仅仅”的意思,但在这句话里却不是。比方说,All I want now is nothing but some water to drink.在这里就是仅仅的意思,而在楼主的问题中,nothing和but连接了两个动词,它们就只代表了本身的单词意思。
Again To: Tire同学:我们在讨论问题,年...


TO:TIRE同学,nothing but 的确是“只是,仅仅”的意思,但在这句话里却不是。比方说,All I want now is nothing but some water to drink.在这里就是仅仅的意思,而在楼主的问题中,nothing和but连接了两个动词,它们就只代表了本身的单词意思。
Again To: Tire同学:我们在讨论问题,年轻人就是容易冲动。北京外国语大学的确很牛,不过要看是从哪个省考到北外的,北京的考生就绝对是狗屎一堆。
是我表达不准确,但在这句话里的确nothing but不是固定短语。做学问需要虚心,我专业英语八级都过了,还是优秀,从事口译工作5年了,还没有吹大气呢。请你问问你的老师,这句话里它到底是不是固定短语。
to Tire: I apologize. Sorry!
TO:NAUTIC I'm sorry for my choice of language, terribly sorry. And by the way, you just vanished for several days, where the hell have you been? .到哪里胡天胡地去了?呵呵.
TO TIRE:小子受教了!我已经被你驳斥得无以为继,古语常云"莫与***对吵",诚不我欺!甘拜下风撒,饶我一条活路可否?






Politeness costs nothing but wins everything.翻译成谚语 Politeness costs nothing but wins everything.翻译成谚语 这句怎么译?Road politeness is not only good manners,but good sense too. Treat everyone with politeness,even those who 中文版Treat everyone with politeness,even those who are rude to you -not because they are nice,but b中文版are rude to you -not because they are nice,but b中文版 英语翻译翻译:Treat everyone with politeness,even those who are rude to you-not because they are nice,but because you are. going by car does not costs as much as going by 英语翻译BILL OF LADING SHOWING COSTS ADDITIONAL TO THE FREIGHT CHARGES NOT ACCEPTABLE请问这是什么意思 this shirt costs too much.Do not you have any ( )ones 便宜cheap还是cheaper this shirt costs too much.Do not you have any ( )ones c开头的字母 Fixed costs are those that do not vary over a given period 怎么翻译 英语翻译还有1 no man can do two things at once2 to give is better than to receive3 an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening4 a life without a friend is a life without a sun5 politeness costs nothing but wins everything the car costs so much that i did not buy it(用too..to改写)the car costs ()()()me ()buy The little man did not seen at all afraid,and to everyone's surprise agreed with great politeness to go back to the shepherd's cottage.请帮忙分析一下语法(比如句中有没有省略的成分,agreed不明白) Frieight costs costs是什么意思? costs a COSTS怎么样 costs and