谁能告诉我这句英语的句子成分 The teacher wanted me to learn French all by myself主谓宾什么的 还有人说这是状语从句 是吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 18:39:21

谁能告诉我这句英语的句子成分 The teacher wanted me to learn French all by myself主谓宾什么的 还有人说这是状语从句 是吗?
谁能告诉我这句英语的句子成分 The teacher wanted me to learn French all by myself
主谓宾什么的 还有人说这是状语从句 是吗?

谁能告诉我这句英语的句子成分 The teacher wanted me to learn French all by myself主谓宾什么的 还有人说这是状语从句 是吗?
The teacher 主语
wanted 谓语动词
to learn French all by myself宾补
宾补的分析:learn动词French宾语all by myself状语.

主语 the teacher
后面的to learn french all by myself是修me的。

the reacher是主语,want是谓语,me是宾语,learn French all by myself是宾语补足语,

谁能告诉我这句英语的句子成分 The teacher wanted me to learn French all by myself主谓宾什么的 还有人说这是状语从句 是吗? 谁能告诉我英语中改否定句doesn’t和isn’t 用法? 语文或英语大师快来告诉我:“对..而言”是充当什么句子成分?Things can't get much worse for many of the world's top luxury brands.对很多世界级的奢侈品而言,事态已经变得不能再糟了.这句中的“对..而 谁能告诉我英语句子成分(从句、定语这些)多用例句 这句英语句子中括号里的句子成分是什么?The class teacher had us (clean the classroom) yesterday. I enjoy the time with you all马上搞英语自我介绍了我,门能告诉我这句的意思? 谁能告诉我这句英文的意思?The future is in my hands. 谁能分析一下这个英语句子成分.They all end up huddled round lis谁能分析一下这个英语句子成分.They all end up huddled round listening to the same record.主要是listening后面的充当什么成分?该句是否有省略? 谁能告诉我这句英语的意思i love you more ever than before 谁能告诉我Trade Terms这句英语的法律概念 谁能告诉我----这句话的句子成分怎么分析?---关于英语----If people abide by the traffic law soley out of fear for punishment,when.out of fear for punishment是什么成分介词of后边需要动词的时候,可以接特殊动词( 英语高手请进,关于句子成分.he relished the thought of seeing her with her new dress on.这句话中句尾部的on 我看不懂,能说明一下吗? 最好说个例子. 谁能告诉我这句英语的意思谁能告诉我这句话的意思i only love you in my heart我要最标准的 谁能告诉我这句英语的意思谢谢了.None but experience the sharpening and baptism all the way,then cleanse the flippancy and blindness,know the direction of soul indeed. 谁能告诉我“Embrasse moi的发音?法文如果能告诉我这句法语的发音, t r a v e l 你们谁能告诉我这句英语单词是什么意思呢? 请帮忙分析这句英语句子的语法I tool the lift to the second level 这个句子的句子成分 谁能把这句英语的大概意思告诉我it is important to destroy the testing documents and confirm that fact by returning letter duly signed as soon as the other bank receives the canceling letter.