请问“Berkeley Plantation.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 00:07:57

请问“Berkeley Plantation.
请问“Berkeley Plantation.

请问“Berkeley Plantation.

Plantation:耕地, 种植园, 大农场, 森林, 人造林, 殖民

请问“Berkeley Plantation. Berkeley 谢咯, 请问University of California,Berkeley US 这所美国名校的中文名称? Berkeley Internet Name Domain U CA BERKELEY ets code? UC Berkeley 在哪个州 是berkeley的统计概论题 Berkeley什么意思?加州大学的Berkeley!要是查词典我就不问了! Berkeley是哪?Professor Harley Shaiken is an expert on unions at the University of California at Berkeley. 是UC berkeley的离散数学里的基础统计概论题 如何报名参加STANFORD或UC BERKELEY的 SUMMER SCHOOL 越具体越好 翻译Departments of landscape Architecture and Architecture at the University of California,Berkeley 英语翻译Removal of NO,and SO2 from Flue Gas by Peracid Solutions小标题:David Littlejohn and S.G.Chang* Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,University of California,Berkeley,California 94720Treatment of water-soluble carboxylic acids with concentrat University of California,Berkeley Etension是读预科的意思?University of California,Berkeley Etension是读预科的意思吗Etension代表的是什么?读预科会怎么样? 英语翻译请翻译:all the events occurring on the university campus at Berkeley were given national media coverage. Berkeley附近有什么好的community college?我是从DE ANZA转的BERKELEY但是想知道BERKELEY附近哪所社区大学比较好啊?想给我女朋友找一所读不想去OAKLAND的LANEY,怕不安全DE ANZA太远了,又不通车现在基本锁 英语翻译Another catches the attitude of a friend she is profiling when the two meet a strange man in a Berkeley coffeehouse. 求大神帮忙看一下英文的统计概率问题!跪谢!是伯克利的统计课作业.帮朋友问的求大神帮忙T.T不胜感激!http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~CS70/sp14/hw/hw10.pdf