英语翻译用以下条件写一篇作文(附加翻译)How often do you play computer gams?How often do you read books?How often do you go shopping?How often do you draw pictures?How often do you play sports?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 03:32:50

英语翻译用以下条件写一篇作文(附加翻译)How often do you play computer gams?How often do you read books?How often do you go shopping?How often do you draw pictures?How often do you play sports?
How often do you play computer gams?
How often do you read books?
How often do you go shopping?
How often do you draw pictures?
How often do you play sports?

英语翻译用以下条件写一篇作文(附加翻译)How often do you play computer gams?How often do you read books?How often do you go shopping?How often do you draw pictures?How often do you play sports?
I am a student that like playing computer games in free time.When I don‘t need to go to school on weekends,I will sit on the computer chair before my lovely computer.
Reading books is also one of the hobies of mine.I almost read 4 pages every day.
As a student,I don't have much money and much time to go shopping.
In the eyes of the appreciation to find beautiful.My dream is to be an artist,so I enjoy drawing pictures.It’s amazing.
Besides,playing sports is the key to keeping one strong.I not only like playing basketball,but also like running on the playground.It‘s simple for me to do sports every day.

英语翻译用以下条件写一篇作文(附加翻译)How often do you play computer gams?How often do you read books?How often do you go shopping?How often do you draw pictures?How often do you play sports? 求用以下句子写一篇英语作文, 英语翻译用以下条件,写一篇作文.外加翻译How often do you exercise?How often do you eat fruit?How many hours do you sleep every night?How often do you drink milk?How often do you eat junk food?How often do you drink coffee? 求写一篇介绍自己的100字初中英语作文!附加两个问题和回答,翻译(包括作文翻译), 用以下条件,写一篇作文.How often do you exercise?How often do you eat fruit?How many用以下条件,写一篇作文.How often do you exercise?How often do you eat fruit?How many hours do you sleep every night?How often do you drink milk?How 用以下词语写篇作文用 建筑工地、大学录取通知书、人民币、心花怒放写一篇作文.700-800字. 请大家帮忙用以下内容,写一篇英文短文. 用以“桥”为话题,写一篇800字的作文 用以小见大手法 写一篇 关于童年的作文急 谁帮我写一篇英语作文.《游记》.附加中文翻译. “housework and me”和“books and me”两篇英文作文.超级の急,请附加翻译,今天要!写一篇给5分,两篇15分.快只要housework and me.一篇附加翻译 就给15分, 我爱祖国我爱家乡一篇作文 用以小见大的形式写 问下怎么用上书信格式(必须用)给下提示或开头主题我爱祖国我爱家 速度帮我写一篇作文, 大约的翻译下 230字左右之小作文用以下成语写一篇230字左右的小作文:分道扬镳 灯火通明 脍炙人口 夜以继日 五彩斑斓 皓月当空(顺序任意,内容要求生动活泼,合情合理,)希望借鉴与欣赏一下大神们的 仿写《散步》用以小见大的手法写出家庭的温馨的一篇作文(不少于600字) 写一篇英语作文用以下词组怎么写那?all over the world、relax、heep healthy、take part in、put on weight、such as、millions of、prevent from doing 写一篇英语作文怎么写那? 用以下材料来写一篇作文.材料:在北美洲生活着一种墨西哥蓝鸦.这是一种体格弱小,却有着惊人的繁殖速度的鸽.蓝鸦天敌无数.应对恶劣的生存条件,弱小的蓝鸽没有丝毫抵抗能力,他们把隐秘 如果我是外国记者 我会这么报道中国 写一篇英语作文写一篇英语作文 话题是 如果我是一名外国记者 我会用以下的方式报道中国