One day,Tom got up and left home without eating anything句子中为什么不用 eat 而用 eating

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:44:32

One day,Tom got up and left home without eating anything句子中为什么不用 eat 而用 eating
One day,Tom got up and left home without eating anything
句子中为什么不用 eat 而用 eating

One day,Tom got up and left home without eating anything句子中为什么不用 eat 而用 eating

One day,Tom got up and left home without eating anything句子中为什么不用 eat 而用 eating One day,when Tom got to the office,a letter___for him.A.waited waiting C.was waitingD.was waited原因 Does he________early every day A get up B gets up C got up Tom might have come to school in time for the lecture ---A,if he got up earlier B,unless he had got up earlier C,but he got up very late D,but he had got up very late Tom got up early to take the early bus转换Tom got up early( )( )( )take the You ought to get up early in the moening.(改为否定句)You_____ _____get up early in the moening.This is a nice house.It hasn't got a gaden.(合并为一个并列句)This is a nice house,_____it hasn't got a gaden.Tom does housework every day.Hi -Tom is the only one that got an A in the English exam. 这英语句子是否正确?One day,Tom got in a trouble and asked his friend for advice and then they offer him some and encourage him to the dance party. Tom's got (two one-yuan coins).对two one-yuan coins提问-------- --------- --------- ----------Tom got? TOM gets up early every day Tom( ) ( ) up every day句型转换 求一首英文歌 开头是one day when i wake upone day when i wake up I got find my way 然后结尾是baby i need you love One of the unlucky memories I have of my childhood happened when I was 8years old When I was 8 years old,many unlucky things happened on me one day.One day,I got up late and I was late for school.I brushed my teeth and washed my face in a hurry.I did 完形填空意思one day a woman got into her car……谢谢! one day,the woman got on a bus with her son短文改错 1.Did you ask whose computer( A.this blue one was this blue one was this blue one D.this blue one is2.The mother asked her son ( A.what did he do the day before B.where did he find his lost wallet C.what time he got up that morning D.that i One day a small boy was walking along the street in London. His name was Tom One day Tom dreamed he_____a spaceship A. have B.has C.had D.having N o one had told Tom about there being a lecture the follow day.